Friday, 2/14: Paperwork, Mental Floss, “Test” #22, Turn in Interviews

Prep sheet for Test #22.

Add up all your Bonus Credit for the week.

I’ma come for KBARR.

When you are finished with the test, finish, proofread, creatively title, and share your interview with me. THEN you may doodle, Trackword, etc…

If your Chromie is below 50%, plug it back in!


Mental Floss.

  1. Try to figure out the noun or adjective that is common to all the items each group.
    • a) person, clock, cliff
    • b) feather,  torch,  low-calorie
    • c) fishing rod, actor, checkout counter
  2. The following not only describes a famous monument, but is an anagram for its name. What is it?
    Built to Stay Free.
  3. Cross out six letters and you’ll find an easy word. What is the word?  SBAIXNLETATNERSAS
  4. A donkey behind another donkey,
    I’m behind that second donkey,
    But there is a whole nation behind me.
    It is a murder you can describe in a word: ______
  5. For each, find a three-letter word that ends the first word and begins the second word.
    a) birth _ _ _ light       b) knock _ _ _ line


TEST #22


Don’t forget your CONCLUSION.


I was very thankful to be able to hear more about my grandpa’s past.   [No Way?! Really?!?]

More like THIS:

I had a lot of fun doing the interview, but to my mom she thought I was being awkward around grandma. I learned from grandma that life can have it’s ups and downs, but if you work hard and meet new people, you can start a good relationship with friends and family. My grandma also gives pretty good advice for mostly anything which I really love about her.



“Elder Interview”  (Hrrmmm.)

More like THIS:

“My Grandpa and his Jealous Chihuahua”   (LOL)

Friday, 2/7: Paperwork, Mental Floss, Test #21

Happy Three-day Weekend! Remember to work on your interview essay because 600 words is due on Tuesday WHEN YOU GET BACK AFTER THE WEEKEND.

Prep Sheet for Test #21:



Mental Floss.

  1. Wacky Wordies:
    b) S – N – O – W
    (I probably should have done this one in December.)
  2. The amazing No Snore Sally has gone 11 days without sleeping. How does she do it?
  3. What large and well known city in the U.S.A. is half golden and half silver?
  4. Although very old coins tend to be worth more than their face value, why is it that 1997 nickels are worth about $100?
  5. What’s the common link?
    • a) tailor, wrestling match, bowling alley
    • b) watermelon, tournament, flower
    • c) hurricane, needle, potato
    • d) barber, rooster, beehive
  6. Can you figure out the logic I used to decide the order of the following words? (Hint: Sing them to yourself.)
    gun, shoe, spree, door, hive, kicks, heaven, gate, line, den



Test  #21. NOTICE: Please choose C for #3, since there isn’t a real answer for it, but that one comes closest.

Doodle Theme: A New Toy!




Monday, 2/3: Homework, AW’s, Debrief Test #20, SPELLING!

Copy homework into planner. This is “Bootstrap Month”!
Bonus: What does the expression “pull yourself up by your own bootstraps” mean?
Remember that Interview Notes are due on Thursday!

“AWs, 2/3.
abandon (verb) to give up; to leave behind
frivolous (adjective) not important; silly
contemporary (adjective) modern; current
dramatic (adjective) exciting; full of emotion; extreme
exploit (verb) to take advantage of
ktmyqcb gutted-5 08-01-17_money81-300x229 riverfront-amalfi-residence-1-1

  1. _____ Graph that shows a sudden, large increase
  2. _____ Pic of a destroyed building where obviously nobody has lived in awhile
  3. _____ Pic of a roll of money used as toilet paper
  4. _____ Pic of a modern house with a groovy pool
  5. There was a _____ change in his behavior after he started the medication.
  6. It is usually easy to _____ a little brother’s lack of savvy and make him do what you want.
  7. He ____(ed) the project before it was finished because he ran out of money.
  8. If we use the word _____ as a noun, it can also mean an adventure.
  9. One reason people may dislike lawyers is due to ____ lawsuits that waste everybody’s time and money.
  10. The roots of this word mean “of the present time.” _____


“Spelling, 2/3.” Bonus: What spelling rule do this week’s words follow?

  1. refusal : cooperation :: childishness : _____
  2. rewrite : revision :: story : ______ 
  3. purpose : function :: guideline : _______
  4. locker : storage :: _____ : security
  5. soldier : obedient :: artist : _____


Debrief Test #20. Really?!   S/CD/CX ALLLLLLL DAY!

