Academic Word Lists And Exercises
The pretests cover the most commonly used words in academic writing.  The complete lists of these words can be found here.

Pretest 1A  Warm Ups for Practice: 1, 2, 3 | Test 1A
Pretest 2A | Warm Ups for Practice | Test 2A
Pretest 3A | Warm Ups for Practice | Test 3A
Pretest 4A | Warm Ups for Practice | Test 4A
Review 1-4 Pretest  |  Review 1-4 Test
Pretest 5A | Warm Ups for Practice | Test 5A
Pretest 6A | Warm Ups for Practice | Test 6A
Pretest 7A | Warm Ups for Practice | Test 7A
Pretest 8A | Warm Ups for Practice | Test 8A
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