Tuesday, 5/31: Last Assignment Reminder, Message to 6th Grade

Last Assignment Reminder:

“The instructor said,

 Go home and write
 a page tonight.
 And let that page come out of you—
 Then, it will be true.”

Due Friday.
Requirements: One tidy piece of paper, ink, title, name and period, sincerity.


YEE #7 = You pick a previous YEE!  You can do it!

“Yalternative, 5/31.”

  1. Wacky Wordy:   CLOU__ __
  2. Wacky Wordy:
  3. What do all these have in common?  Pebble, Long, Cocoa, Palm, Myrtle
  4. What do these sets of letters have in common?  Clfrn, Clrd, Hw, Grg, Txs, Lsn   
  5. These SEVEN words are hiding something. What? (Hint: abbreviations)
    Vermont, statues, Swedish, Arthur, Africa, sensation, misunderstood




Message to 6th Grade.
Singles or Partners.
Due by Next Monday. It’s only homework if you don’t finish in class.


  • Storyboard That! Comic (10+ panels)
  • Prezi?
  • Web Site?
  • Quiz
  • Newsletter
  • ???

  • Three Expectations vs. Reality
  • Three Good Things About Laguna
  • Three Pieces of Advice
  • One Euphemism?
  • Upbeat and Funny
  • Proofread!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • All Content Items (15)
  • Mechanics (20)
  • Effort (10)
  • Creativity (15)Total: 60

Storyboard That! People:
If you have already used the site, log in with the account you already created. Just save this one into an appropriate folder.
If you are a Noob:

  1. Copy the following key: ever420
  2. Click the link below, and choose “I’m a new user.”
    Join Storyboard That
  3. Click on the Google Button and sign in with your @student.slcusd.org username and password.
  4. Join the classroom:
    a) The School is Laguna-MS.  b) Paste the key (ever420) and  c) use your real first name and last initials.
  5. In the upper right, click Create a Storyboard.
  6. Save to the appropriate “Message to 6th Grade” folder.

HERE are some photos of Laguna to use in your comic.

Friday, 5/27: YEE #6, SCRABBLE Practice!

Have a great three-day weekend!

YEE #6

“Alternative Bonus, 5/27.”

  1. From what can you take away the whole, and still have some left?
  2. I am more microscopic than microscopic; I am more minuscule than minuscule. I am smaller than small and I am tinier than tiny. Yet surprisingly, I am still big. What am I?
  3. Wacky Wordy. What 6-word phrase is represented?

  4. Wacky Wordy: (2 words, one hyphenated)
    1. Do Do
    2. Dew Dew
    3. Due Due
  5. If men have two hands, and monkeys have four hands, what has three hands?
  6. A cat had three kittens: Mopsy, Topsy, and Spot. What was the mother’s name. Remember to please capitalize the name of the momma kitty when you write.
  7. What do these three things have in common? Corn, Weasel, Balloon




Scrabble Practice Round.


  • Each person draws a letter. The letter closest to A goes first. (Blank beats A.)
  • Draw continues clockwise (to the left) after that.
  • If no one volunteers, the person with the letter farthest from A is scorekeeper.
  • Put those letters back and draw seven (7) each.
  • Keep score like this (don’t write what’s in the parentheses):


Jimmy (First Player)
17 (first turn)
6  (second turn)
23 (total so far)
14 (third turn)
37 (total so far)
Johnny (Second Player)


  • First player must put the word down with a letter on the Star (2x word)  in the middle.
  • Left to right, top to bottom; not diagonal, not bottom to top!
  • Suggestion: no more than 2 minutes per person.
  • NO! NO! NO! 


  • NO abbreviations or contractions
  • NO foreign words
  • NO proper nouns (nouns you would normally capitalize)
  • (Check the dictionary.)

Multiplier squares are one use only!

Extra credit for anyone who breaks 75.

Thursday, 5/26: YEE#5, Test 33

Yee #5. Use your own paper. NDP in upper right corner. Title: YEE #5. Use 4-digit dates for #1 and #2. Copy only the ones that say “Copy.”

  1. First Independence Day (M,D,Y):
  2. Pearl Harbor Day (M,D,Y):
  3. (Copy.) 10% of 250 = _________
  4. (Copy.) 24/40 = ______% = ______(letter grade)
  5. a) ______ books have been sitting b)_______ for a long time; I hope c)______ coming back soon.
  6. Copy the sentence below and label each word with its part of speech.

He was a very scary bear, and we beat a hasty retreat from his lair.

“Alternative Bonus, 5/26.”

  1. Sue is both the 50th best and the 50th worst student at her school. How many students attend her school? (Not a trick, just math.)
  2. What can be seen in the middle of March and April that cannot be seen at the beginning or end of either month?
  3. 5 + 5 + 5 = 550 Add ONE STRAIGHT LINE to make the equation correct. No, you can’t make a not equal sign. That would be an inequality, not an equation.
  4. While riding in the car I saw a license plate that read like this: IXMNIZ. What occupation did the man in the car have?
  5. When does 1+1+1=1?

Prep Sheet for Test #33.
Vocabulary Homework: ___/20   Vocabulary Practice: ___/12  ___/12

If you did vocabulary sentences, add +1 for each to your vocab h/w score. If you didn’t get credit for last week’s vocab + sentences, please make a note on the top of your test.

Thank you.


Test #33. Collaborative!

Wednesday, 5/25: YEE #4, Vocabulary + Relay, Tom Sawyer

Tomorrow’s Test: Vocabulary + Tom Sawyer. YEE #5 also.

YEE #4.
“Alternative Bonus, 5/25.” (For those who have completed their YEE obligation. Start a separate sheet of paper for ALL bonus opportunities, and turn it in at the end. All dates and titles must be in place to receive credit.)

  1. What heavy six letter word can you take one letter away from and have eight left?
  2.  You are in a mountain cabin, and it is freezing and dark. The cabin has an old gas lantern, a wood burning stove, and an oil burning heater. You have only one match. Which do you light first?
  3. A fish weighs 10 pounds plus half its weight. How much does it weigh?(Not a trick; just math.)
  4. A house painter paints numbers on all the new houses in a neighborhood from 1-100. How many times does he have to paint the digit 9? (Not a trick; I’m just betting you can’t count.)
  5. Which is smallest? nobis, nettikt, wrothag, useom, irgafef
  6. Using the words DROVES and NEWS write seven words using each letter once.



“Vocabulary, 5/25.”
tongue C06D5 SG_353_Mr-Creosote-300x0 6015E

  1. _____
  2. _____
  3. _____ (Not loathe.)
  4. _____ (Not loathe.)
  5. obvious : furtive :: idol : _____ (Not loathe.)
  6. The players mobbed each other ___(ally) after they won the World Series.
  7. She ______(ly) passed the note during class so the teacher wouldn’t see.
  8. Tom is often whipped for his _____ behavior.
  9. The Nazis were guilty of ______(some) crimes.
  10. Aunt Polly was very _____(ful) as she questioned Tom, trying to get him to admit he cut school.
  11. (2) Tom _____(s) work; he finds it ______.



Tom Sawyer and the Fence!




What’s wrong with this picture?





Tuesday, 5/24 (11): YEE #3, Vocabulary, Tom Sawyer!

Yee #3.

Vocabulary, 5/24.”
9556 wolfsheeplarge yay 11drgh

  1. _____
  2. _____
  3. _____
  4. _____
  5. In the Peanuts cartoons, the adults don’t really speak, they just ______.
  6. He was so cocky, he talked in a ______ tone  to everyone.
  7. There used to be a brand of aspirin called _______; presumably because it would “defeat” your headache.
  8. While you are in detention, you are supposed to ______  what you have done wrong.
  9. It was Dally’s quick thinking and _____ that sent the fuzz to Texas looking for the boys.
  10. Jimmy was a ___ on the team after he blew the game with an error.
  11. (2) If there’s one thing teachers ______, it is students being _______. (Not condescending.)


Tom Sawyer!

What would you have done for fun in 1840?

Author’s Preface.

Chapter 1, 2.