Thursday, 5/5: Vocabulary + Relay, Poem #435, “EMen”

Tomorrow’s Test: Husker Du for your class, Vocabulary, What we’ve read this week.

“Husker Du, 5/5.” Period 1.
saw, pragmatic, pacify, iconic, aspire, skinflint, volatile, diminutive, dilemma, daunting, vivid

  1. (2) She faced a ______     ______ about turning in her friend for cheating.
  2. The villagers sacrificed a scapegoat because they were trying to ______ their angry god.
  3. The memories that the Giver transferred to Jonas were much more than simply _____ dreams.
  4. You may _______ to someday be as cool as Mr. Coward.
  5. Doing your homework every day before playing video games is a _______ strategy for success.

“Husker Du, 5/5.” Period 3.
approach, conduct, sanction, allegory, aspect, cache, caricature, promote, contrast, complex, absolution

  1. Art Spiegelman didn’t want to show his father as a racist _____  of a Jew, but he wanted to show him honestly.
  2. Please ________ yourself properly in the library.
  3. Now that he had found religion, the former criminal wanted ______ for the things he had done.
  4. My brother found my ______ of candy and ate it all.
  5. As part of his occupation, he owed a llama with a leather jacket.  a) S  b) CD  c) CX
  6. Since he didn’t want to embarrass the llama, he didn’t act affectionate.  a) S  b) CD  c) CX

“Husker Du, 5/5.” Period 4.

  1. I really like mystery novels because of all the adventure and _____.   a) ebb    b) nondescript  c) apprehensive  d) intrigue  e) palpable
  2. “He looked like I felt when I saw that boy doubled up and still in the moonlight.”  a) foreshadowing  b) flashback  c) simile  d) irony  e) NOTA
  3. She saw _____ grave!  a) Elvis’  b) Elvis’s  c) Elvi’s
  4. _____ are not allowed…  a) Students  b) Students’  c) Student’s  d) NOTA
  5. …in the ____ lounge.  a) teacher’s  b) teachers’  c) teachers’s  d) NOTA
  6. When we find out that the book is Ponyboy’s essay.  a) exposition  b) rising action  c) inciting incident  d) climax  e) resolution  f) NOTA

“Husker Du, 5/5.” Period 5.

  1. We have three _________ in the class. (Jesus)
  2. How did Dally get out of the hospital? a) Snuck out. b) Bribed a nurse to let him out. c) The doctor said he was well enough to leave. d) “Talked” the nurse into it. e) NOTA
  3. This was foreshadowed when…  a) Dally told Pony and Two-Bit that he was “gonna be at that rumble no matter what.”  b) Two-Bit told Pony he thought Dally would find a way to be there.  c) When Pony said that he had a feeling.  d) When Dally asked for Two-Bit’s knife.  e) It wasn’t foreshadowed.
  4. What lie does Dally tell the police officer as his excuse for speeding? a) He was late for work.  b) He had to visit Johnny in the hospital.  c) Pony was hurt and needed medical help.  d) His car was breaking down, and he had to get it to a gas station quickly.  e) He was being chased.
  5. As Dally drives to the hospital (p147) he says, “…you get tough like me and you don’t get hurt. You look out for yourself and nothin’ can touch you…” This is ironic because…  a) Dally isn’t that tough.  b) Dally tried to harden himself, but something touched him anyway.  c) Johnny was tough, but got hurt anyway.  d) It isn’t ironic at all.
  6. When Johnny smiles before he dies, it’s because…  a) he’s dying a hero.  b) the greasers won the rumble.  c) he wanted to die anyway.  d) Dally was proud of him.  e) he remembered a joke Pony made in the church.

“Vocabulary, 5/5.”

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1-10: Write the word. You will use each word ONCE!


Vocabulary Relay!


Poem #435
by Emily Dickinson


Much Madness is divinest Sense–
To a discerning Eye–
Much Sense–the starkest Madness–
‘Tis the Majority
In this, as All, prevail–
Assent–and you are sane–
Demur–you’re straightway dangerous–
And handled with a Chain–

assent = say yes
demur = say no
discerning = showing good judgement
starkest = most obvious
divinest = most perfect

Together with your group, “translate” the poem.

  1. What does she mean when she says “‘Tis the Majority In this as ALL, prevail…”?
  2. What is the message of the poem?
  3. Give the poem a title that isn’t the first line.


“The Earth Men”