Thursday, 11/14: Phrase/Clause, RBC: Public Notice, Vladek

Tomorrow’s Test: Phrase/Clause, RBC: WebPage, Vladek, Reruns. Preview after Period 4.

“Phrase/Clause, 11/14.” Copy and Match. ANSWER NOT LETTER.
While llamas can be cute, I once had a bad experience with a llama, and I am afraid to meet one of them.
a) Independent Clause  b) Dependent Clause  c) Prepositional Phrase  d) NOTA

  1. with a llama _____
  2. I am afraid _____
  3. while llamas can be cute _____
  4. of them _____
  5. I once had a bad experience_____
  6. to meet one _____
    a) noun  b) adjective  c) verb  d) adverb  e) preposition  f) pronoun  g) NOTA
  7. them _____
  8. and _____
  9. with_____
  10. am _____


Correct RBC Public Notice. (7)

RBC Public Notice, 11/14.” Write the answer NOT the letter. (8p)

  1. There are classes for kids of all ages under 18.  a) True  b) False  c) You can’t tell.
  2. You have to be able to swim to sign up for the swim classes. a) True  b) False  c) You can’t tell.
  3. You have to have your own cleats and shin guards to sign up for soccer.  a) True  b) False  c) You can’t tell.
  4. You have to have your own musical instrument to be in the jazz band.  a) True  b) False  c) You can’t tell.
  5. You have to be able to speak English to participate in the activities.  a) True  b) False  c) You can’t tell.
  6. Which of the activities do(es) not say it requires parental permission?  a) soccer  b) swimming  c) band  d) band and soccer  e) They all require parental permission.
  7. (2) What are two things you could do to find more info about the classes?



“Maus Quiz, 11/14.” (6)

  1. p38, panel 4, the one with the black hat
  2. (2) p39, the pig – name and job
  3.  (Quote) Why doesn’t Vladek tell the young doctor about his left eye?
  4. p48, panel 2, the one with the beard
  5. How does the German officer know that Vladek isn’t used to physical labor?
  6.  (BONUS) Artie very often shows Vladek telling his story as he pedals his exercise bike. What does this probably symbolize?


Read aloud to at least the end of Chapter 3.  (LINK to ONLINE VERSION.)

What is up with Vladek in the pig mask?