Wednesday, 10/27: Scramble, CX/CC, Vocab, Alyce

“Sentence Scramble, 10/27.” (p66)

  • and grabbed a piece
  • but she
  • Edward shook his head
  • of her skirt
  • put him off
  • in his fist

Pink Sheet Handout: Complex and Compound-Complex Sentences: Pink Sheet Download.  Side 2.

Checking SMYK’s

“Vocab, 10/27.”

  1. _____
  2. _____
  3. _____
  4. _____
  5. “I’m not paranoid! I’m _____ about being apprehended!”
  6. The principal had to ____ through all the conflicting stories to get at the truth.
  7. The fan ____(ed) her way into the sold-out concert by flirting with the security guard.
  8. I was ____ when I saw the 5/10 rating from the guest teacher! (Not apprehensive.)
  9. People get cosmetic surgery because they think it will _____ their appearance.
  10. Since 1967, cigarette smoking has ___(ed)  to its lowest rate ever.
  11. The roots of this word meant “to step across.” _____
  12. The roots of this word meant “to wish well.” _____

The Midwife’s Apprentice

TMA Quiz. (Group Effort, CLICKERS)

  1. Which one of these people was actually nice to Alyce?   a) the baker   b) the miller   c) the baker’s wife   d) the miller’s wife   e) Grommet Smith   f) the Bailiff’s wife
  2. Why were all the people who were caught in chapter 7 shown mercy, and not punished as severely as they normally would be?  a) Their “crimes” weren’t that serious.  b) They were needed by the village.  c) They thought the Devil made them do it.  d) They were all well-liked by the villagers.  e) NOTA
  3. On which page was Alyce first foreshadowed to be the “Devil”?  a) p40  b) p41  c) p43  d) p46  e) NOTA
  4. What is a lout?  a) a cow  b) a violent person  c) a new friend  d) a jerk  e) a demon  f) NOTA
  5. Why does Jane the Midwife not notice that Alyce is gaining skills and respect in the village? a) Because she hates Alyce.  b) Because she isn’t, really.  c) Because Jane is too self-centered.  d) Because Alyce doesn’t tell her.  e) NOTA
  6. Why does Alyce deliver the bailiff’s wife’s baby, instead of the midwife?  a) The bailiff’s wife asked for her.  b) She would do it for free.  c) The midwife’s ankle was still broken.  d) It was part of her training for helping the midwife.  e) NOTA
  7. What prompted Alyce’s first smile?  (Be careful!) a) Delivering Alyce Little.   b) The compliment from the merchant.   c) The compliment from the bailiff.  d) Helping Will deliver Tansy’s calves.  e) NOTA

Chapter 11: The Leaving

What’s the REAL reason she leaves?