Wednesday, 1/19: Euphemisms, “Old Glory,” “The Pedestrian,” “A Sound of Thunder”

“Euphemisms, 1/19.”

  1. What does the prefix eu– mean?
  2. What does the word euthanasia mean literally? ____ ____
  3. monthly housing accommodation payment
  4. governmental revenue ($) enhancement
  5. relocation center
  6. encore telecast
  7. correctional facility
  8. over the hill
  9. downsized
  10. collateral damage (collateral means connected, but not in a close way)

“Old Glory, 1/19.” Collaborative quiz. (10p)

  1. On the surface, who are we initially supposed to think is the protagonist (hero) of the story?
  2. If we dig deeper, who is REALLY the protagonist?
  3. Conflict #1: ____ v _____
  4. Conflict #2: ____ v _____
  5. What right did the SOS law take away?
  6. Why did Gran-Da try to burn the flag?
  7. Why did Donald turn him in?
  8. What/Who do the Uncles represent?
  9. Explain the last line: “What kind of world would that be?”  (Use a previous vocab word!)
  10. What is the main message of the story?


“Is the answer to this question no?”

Exception paradox: if every rule has an exception, then there must be an exception to the rule that every rule has an exception.
Variation: The only rule is that there are no rules.

“Practice moderation in all things. Including moderation.”

The law of a certain land states that all who wish to enter through the city gates are asked to state their business. Those who reply truthfully (the guards can tell) are allowed to enter and depart in peace, but those who reply falsely are hanged. A traveler approaches the gate, and when asked his business, he replies, “I have come to be hanged.” What should happen to this traveler?

You can actually see backwards in time any day or night. You don’t need any sort of contraption either.  Try to guess how.  Any semi-reasonable, complete-sentence answer gets credit. Go.

Think of all the paradoxes created by time travel!!


A Sound of Thunder” by Ray Bradbury

  • “I don’t try to describe the future. I try to prevent it.”
  • “Go to the edge of the cliff and jump off. Build your wings on the way down.”

Pick one and explain what he means!

Read Aloud.