Monday, 10/28: Homework, AW’s, Debrief Test #10, TMA

Copy homework into planner.

“AW’s, 10/28.”
attribute (verb) to attach, to associate
attribute (noun) a quality or feature
(in someone’s) interest (idiom) helpful to someone; for the benefit of someone (adjective)
relocate (verb) to move to a new place
project (verb) to predict; to estimate a future amount or direction
statistics (noun) numerical information
atrimarket2017 phishy

  1. _____
  2. _____
  3. _____
  4. After her dad got a new job, the family had to ______ to Texas.
  5. It’s ______ to study for the test because it’s your grade not mine.
  6. He has many fine _____(s) such as diligence and kindness.
  7. San Luis Coastal district has _____(ed) that they will lose money when Diablo closes.
  8. People use ____ to try to prove many things, but numbers can sometimes lie.
  9. The successful woman ___(ed) her success to listening to her middle school English teacher.


Debrief Test #10. Ooooh Boy Howdy! PROOFREADING!

TMA. Our plot begins! The Inn.

Friday, 10/25: Paperwork, Mental Floss, Test #10

Prep Sheet for Test #10.
KBAR: ___/40 Vocabulary Homework: ___/20 Vocabulary Practice: ___/11 ___/15 ___/11


Mental Floss.

  1. Mr. Cheeselog wasted lots of money every day for years, and now he is a millionaire. How?
  2. Wacky Wordy. What phrase is represented here?
    Spring – Hola   Summer – Bonjour   Fall – Hello   Winter – Aloha
  3. A man left his house to go to work. When he got home he saw that his house had been broken into. The robbers had taken everything in his house except for two one hundred dollar bills that were in plain sight. Why weren’t the one hundred dollar bills taken?
  4. Bob was having a big party. He decided on a technique to get lots of people to come. He invited his five closest friends and said that they could each invite 4 people.  Each of those could invite 3. Each of those could invite 2. Each of those could invite 1. Overall, how many people did Bob invite to his party?
  5. What is special about this letter arrangement?
  6. There is one word in the English language that is always pronounced incorrectly. What is it?


TEST #10

Doodle Theme: Free (the) Doodle.

Could you handle it?

Thursday, 10/24: Vocab + Relay, Proofreading, TMA

Tomorrow’s Test: Vocab, Proofreading, Husker Du, TMA

“Vocabulary, 10/24.”

  1. _____
  2. _____
  3. _____
  4. _____
  5. After Mr. Shmarty lost his ring at the beach, they _____(ed) through the sand until they found it.
  6. The new landscaping in front of the house really ______(ed) its value.
  7. I found your story _____(ing), but ultimately unbelievable.
  8. Genevieve’s wardrobe was rather ____ and boring until she went on the show What Not to Wear.
  9. I really like mystery novels because of all the adventure and _____.
  10. “Why don’t you get a job?” asked Steve. “What?!” Two-Bit was _____. “And ruin my rep?”
  11. Ponyboy was _____ about appearing in juvenile court.


Proofreading, 10/24.”

Find ’em all!  Proofread the highlighted part. (6 possible)

Don’t fix anything that isn’t broken!

This is your study guide for tomorrow.




Jump Ball: First group to answer correctly gets bonus.

Why does Jane the Midwife not notice that Alyce is gaining skills and respect in the village?






Wednesday, 10/23: Vocab, Proofreading, Fun Demos, TMA

“Vocabulary, 10/23.” Write the vocab word. Yes, you might use words more than once.

  1. _____
  2. _____ (Fill in the blank on the cup. A receptacle is a container.)
  3. _____
  4. _____
  5. _____
  6. While Senor Macho was in training, he took several different vitamin ______(s). (You’ll have to change the form of the word.)
  7. We were a little _____ when the pilot said it was his first flight. (Not aghast.)
  8. We were ______(ed) by his mysterious-sounding voice.
  9. Since 1967, cigarette smoking has ___(ed)  to its lowest rate ever.
  10. (2) The class was ____ that someone would be silly enough to commit a ___ like that in front of Mr. Coward.
  11. (2) Another name for detention might be “____ behavior _____(ment).”
  12. *_____ the surgeon’s best efforts, the patient didn’t survive.
  13. *It was hard to be _____ with her when I was so angry.


Proofreading Practice I. Proofread the yellow highlighted part. List all the mistakes you find and how to fix them. +1 point for each correctly found and fixed, -1 for each missed and/or each wrongly corrected. The group with the highest score wins!

Fun Examples. Don’t just show the actions you are doing, SHOW THE FUN! Show the feelings! The exhilaration!


TMA. Name someone who is nice (or nearly so) to Alyce.


Tuesday, 10/22: Vocab, Counselor Presentation

“Vocab, 10/22.”
Mona-Lisa-2Signpost with the words Help, Support, Advice, Guidance and Assistance on the direction arrows, against a bright blue cloudy sky.blankface

  1. What a(n) ______(ing) smile!
  2. _____
  3. _____
  4. “I’m not paranoid! I’m _____ about being apprehended!”
  5. Second Period tried to ______ Mr. Coward into postponing the assignment, but Denial is not just a river in Egypt.  (Bonus: What is this type of joke called?)
  6. The principal had to ____ through all the conflicting stories to get at the truth.
  7. The fan ____(ed) her way into the sold-out concert by flirting with the security guard.
  8. I was ____ when I saw the 5/10 rating from the guest teacher! (Not apprehensive.)
  9. People get cosmetic surgery because they think it will _____ their appearance.
  10. I really like mystery novels because of all the adventure and _____.
  11. Our initial excitement _____(ed) when we saw the huge lines.

Counselor Presentation.