Tuesday, 1/25: Vocab, Mars, The Earth Men



Do you really know how to be absent in here?  Let’s find out!

How to Be Absent. (Again… sigh.)

  1. Check the website: https://middleschool.mrcoward.com. DO NOT CLICK THE HOMEWORK LINK!
  2. Scroll down until you see the CALENDAR on the right side.
  4. Do exactly what we did that day IN YOUR NOTEBOOK.
  5. Repeat for any other days you missed.
  6. If there is anything you can’t do or don’t understand, SEND ME AN EMAIL that day.
  7. YOU ONLY NEED TO CLICK THE HOMEWORK LINK that appears on MONDAY’s classwork. If you weren’t absent on Monday, you (SHOULD) already have the homework in your planner.

“Vocab, 1/25.”

  1. _____
  2. _____
  3. _____
  4. Cell phone use in class is sure to ____ Mr. Coward, and nobody wants that.
  5. Santa Claus, by definition, has a very jolly ________.
  6. The gossip magazine published all the _____ details of the crime, shocking everyone.
  7. The atmosphere at the party was very ____ and lively.
  8. After he failed the test, he ____(ed) about what might have happened if he had actually studied.
  9. The DMV is infamous for all the ______ you have to go through to register a car. (Bonus: What does infamous mean?)
  10. My smoothie was a _______ of lots of things I found in the refrigerator.
  11. Everybody tried to blame the greasers for the problems in the cafeteria, but they had a(n) _____; they were down at the corner store.
  12. I was _____(ed) when I heard the bad news about my grade.
  13. She was _____ to report the crime because it was her friend who committed it.


Should we try to land people on MARS? Why/Not?

  • 21 month round trip
  • solar radiation
  • -50 avg. temp
  • 98% CO2 atmosphere
  • 38% of our gravity
  • zero life or water; lots of dust and rocks


“The Earth Men” from The Martian Chronicles by Ray Bradbury.

What happens (historically) when two very different cultures meet?

What if an alien knocked on your door?

What does telepathy literally mean? ___ ___. (Up to +2!)
What do you think having true telepathy would be like?

Let’s go to Mars.

Link to story for absentees: The Martian Chronicles. The story begins on page 22.

We will probably get about 3-4 pages in today.

Monday, 1/24: New Semester! Homework, Fastbridge

Welcome to the Second Half!

Slides Link for Homies: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1rpdIZJauyFTYuzLFng2gDryN_ZktSlt0OyISZixgzo4/edit?usp=sharing

Copy homework into planner.

FastBridge. If you finish early, start your vocab.

  1. Check your sound volume – you need to hear computer instructions. 
  2. Fastbridge link. (https://slcusd.illuminatehc.com/login)
  3. Sign in to Illuminate using the RED google button. 
  4. Select the blue Continue to Portal bar. 
  5. Select FastBridge Learning from the side menu.
  6. Select FastTrack Reading

Thursday, 1/20: End of Semester, Sound of Thunder, Time and Punishment

Interviews with Our Elders 2022

Half Done! Have a great 3-day weekend!

COMMON NAME: Tyrannosaurus rex
SCIENTIFIC NAME: Tyrannosaurus rex
DIET: Carnivore
SIZE: 40 feet long and 12 feet tall
WEIGHT: Between 5.5 and eight tons
This fierce carnivore was optimally built for crunching through its meals, with a stiff skull that allowed it to channel all the force of its muscles into one bite—delivering up to six tons of pressure. This dinosaur used its 60 serrated teeth, each about eight inches long, to pierce and grip flesh, throwing prey into the air and swallowing it whole.
  • Finish Reading “A Sound of Thunder.”
  • Mental Floss.  On back of Quiz sheet. (See below.)
    1. How can you perform a subtraction from seven so that the result will be even, but without subtracting any odd numbers?
    2. What is so light that anyone on Earth can hold it, but so heavy that nobody can hold it longer than about 20 minutes?
    3. At noon, you look at the old-school clock in your bedroom. The big hand is on the five and the little hand is in between the three and the four. What time is it?
    4. Two fathers and two sons own 21 horses between them. Explain how it is possible to evenly divide the herd among them. (NO, you don’t get to cut up any horses!)
    5. Where do you leave a “place” by closing the “window”?  (On a _____.)
    6. In a small town in the country, a male cow swallowed an explosive device. The town newspaper had a front page story about it.   Which one-word headline did they use?
      * Shocking!  * How?  * Dangerous!  * Terrifying!
      * Abominable!  * What?  * Horrible! 
  • Quiz. (15p) Use a separate sheet of paper. Letter answers OK.
    Name, date and period (3p)
    Title = “Last Quiz” (1p)

    1. A paradox is… a) two doctors.  b) a time travel thing  c) a contradiction  d) a contraption  e) NOTA
    2. Eckels’s attitude before they spotted the T-Rex was… a) serious. b) worried about danger. c) overconfident. d) NOTA
    3. Eckels runs off the path because… a) he panics.  b) he doesn’t believe Travis.  c) he doesn’t care.  d) it’s fun.  e) he wants to change the future.
    4. The part of the story where Eckels steps off the Path.   a) exposition  b) inciting incident  c) rising action  d) climax  e) resolution  f) falling action
    5. The man behind the desk thinks that the right man won the election. a) True  b) False (NO QUESTIONS ABOUT THIS ONE.)
    6. Which of these things could the phrase “a sound of thunder” reasonably represent?  a) The sound of the T-Rex approaching.  b) The effects of their actions on the future.  c) The sound of the guns.  d) All of the above.  e) NOTA
    7. When Travis shoot Eckels.  a) exposition  b) inciting incident  c) rising action  d) climax  e) resolution  f) falling action
    8. The real theme of “ASoT” is probably…  a) don’t mess with time.  b) don’t try to change the past.  c) small actions can lead to huge consequences.  d) don’t kill butterflies.  e) NOTA
    9. The prefix eu- means… a) nice  b) well  c) death  d) bad  e) good  f) NOTA
    10. What is most likely the main theme of “Old Glory”?  a) That the right to a fair trial is important.  b) That freedom of speech is important.  c) That if people don’t stand up for their rights, those rights might be taken away.  d) That you shouldn’t burn flags.  e) That country is more important than family.  f) NOTA
    11. A “Civic Responsibility” class would probably be about…  a) ancient civilizations.  b) how to be a responsible student.  c) Honda Civic automobile repair.  d) the future.  e) lawyers  f) NOTA
  • Time and Punishment.”

Wednesday, 1/19: Euphemisms, “Old Glory,” “The Pedestrian,” “A Sound of Thunder”

“Euphemisms, 1/19.”

  1. What does the prefix eu– mean?
  2. What does the word euthanasia mean literally? ____ ____
  3. monthly housing accommodation payment
  4. governmental revenue ($) enhancement
  5. relocation center
  6. encore telecast
  7. correctional facility
  8. over the hill
  9. downsized
  10. collateral damage (collateral means connected, but not in a close way)

“Old Glory, 1/19.” Collaborative quiz. (10p)

  1. On the surface, who are we initially supposed to think is the protagonist (hero) of the story?
  2. If we dig deeper, who is REALLY the protagonist?
  3. Conflict #1: ____ v _____
  4. Conflict #2: ____ v _____
  5. What right did the SOS law take away?
  6. Why did Gran-Da try to burn the flag?
  7. Why did Donald turn him in?
  8. What/Who do the Uncles represent?
  9. Explain the last line: “What kind of world would that be?”  (Use a previous vocab word!)
  10. What is the main message of the story?


“Is the answer to this question no?”

Exception paradox: if every rule has an exception, then there must be an exception to the rule that every rule has an exception.
Variation: The only rule is that there are no rules.

“Practice moderation in all things. Including moderation.”

The law of a certain land states that all who wish to enter through the city gates are asked to state their business. Those who reply truthfully (the guards can tell) are allowed to enter and depart in peace, but those who reply falsely are hanged. A traveler approaches the gate, and when asked his business, he replies, “I have come to be hanged.” What should happen to this traveler?

You can actually see backwards in time any day or night. You don’t need any sort of contraption either.  Try to guess how.  Any semi-reasonable, complete-sentence answer gets credit. Go.

Think of all the paradoxes created by time travel!!


A Sound of Thunder” by Ray Bradbury

  • “I don’t try to describe the future. I try to prevent it.”
  • “Go to the edge of the cliff and jump off. Build your wings on the way down.”

Pick one and explain what he means!

Read Aloud.

Tuesday, 1/18: Debrief Test #15, Euphemisms, “Old Glory…

Copy homework into planner. What?!

There will be a 10(ish) question quiz on Thursday.

Debrief Test #15. Hrrrmmm.

Euphemism (n – U FEM ISM): 
A “nice” way of saying something  unpleasant. 

The prefix eu- means “good.”
Euthanasia = Good Death

Examples: passed on = died, sanitation engineer = garbage man, waitress in the sky = flight attendant


  1. visually disabled =
  2. solid waste =
  3. landfill =
  4. economically disadvantaged =
  5. undocumented transborder migrant =
  6. vertically challenged =
  7. intentionally inaccurate statement  =
  8. friendly fire =

Old Glory

Bonus: What is “Old Glory” a nickname for? Respond thusly in your notebook with a date:
“Old Glory” is the nickname for___________.
Bonus Two: Uncle Sam is a nickname for ________.
What would a “Civic Responsibility” class be all about?


In England there is 1 surveillance camera for every 14 people. The average Londoner is caught on camera around 300 times per day. Is that OK?

A look at the Bill of Rights. Why is #6 especially important?

The Sixth Amendment establishes a number of rights of the defendant in a criminal trial:

to a speedy and public trial
to trial by an impartial jury
to be informed of criminal charges
to confront witnesses
to compel witnesses to appear in court
to assistance of counsel

Read aloud.

After Questions.

  1. On the surface, who are we initially supposed to think is the protagonist (hero) of the story?
  2. If we dig deeper, who is REALLY the protagonist?
  3. Conflict #1: ____ v _____
  4. Conflict #2: ____ v _____
  5. What right did the SOS law take away?
  6. Why did Gran-Da try to burn the flag?
  7. Why did Donald turn him in?
  8. What/Who does Uncle represent?
  9. Explain the last line: “What kind of world would that be?”
  10.  (BONUS) What do you think the main message of the story is?