Friday, 9/20: Paperwork, Mental Floss, Test #4

“Tutorial” Schedule.

Prep Sheet for Test #4:

KBARR: ___/24   SMYK: ___/10   Vocab Practices: ___/12  ___/13  ___/13  
Other Extra Credit: Period 6 gets +2, Periods 1,3,5 get +1 for Vocab Relay.
If you earned more than 13 on a vocab, yay!
PERIODS TWO AND FIVE: Cross out the 24 for KBARR and write 8 instead.

Mental Floss.

  1. What can be seen in the middle of March and April that cannot be seen at the beginning or end of either month?
  2. I am so fragile that when you say my name you break me. What am I?
  3. What letter can you place on the line, other than E, to complete this sequence?
  4. + 5 + 5 = 550
    Add ONE STRAIGHT LINE to make the equation correct. No, you can’t make a not equal sign: that would be an inequality, not an equation.
  5. While riding in the car I saw a license plate that read like this: IXMNIZ. What occupation did the man in the car have?

Test #4.

Doodle Theme: What A Mistake!

Thursday, 9/19: Warm Up, Gramma’, Vocab, Outsiders

Tomorrow’s Test: Gramma, Vocab, Outsiders, Husker Du. Link after Period 4

“Test Practice, 9/19.” COPY 1-5 and say whether the word is a noun, verb, adjective, or adverb or NOTA.
For a brief moment, Jimmy stupidly thought he could fly like a very graceful bird across the blue sky.

  1. brief:
  2. fly:
  3. thought:
  4. very:
  5. graceful:
  6. he:
  7. That was an embarrassing moment when you realized your llama just wrote a run-on sentence. Fragment, Run-on, OK?
  8. Up, up, and away flew my beautiful llama balloon.  Fragment, Run-on, OK?
  9. Our destination, the top of Jay Mountain, seemed so far away.   S/V?
  10. The spinning ride made the llama sick.  S/V?

“Vocab, 9/19.”
discreet, discrete, vain, elicit, illicit, hysterical, contemplate, patronize, stamina, indulge

  1. _____
  2. _____
  3. _____
  4. _____
  5. _____
  6. A spy must be ____ and not go blabbing secrets around.
  7. Every time Dr. Pavlov rang a bell, he _____(ed) a response from the dog, who thought he was going to be fed.
  8. The root of this word meant “place for meditation.”____
  9. The teacher’s attitude was very _____(ing); he always treated his class like they were in kindergarten.
  10. You are all one class, but you are _____ individuals.
  11. If you ____ (ed) Chipotle last night, it benefited the band program. (Not really.)
  12. Buck Merrill sometimes sold _____ alcohol.  (It was called bootlegging.)
  13. Ponyboy was rather ______ immediately after the events in the park.

Vocab Relay.

The Outsiders.

Test Preview.

  1. What do we learn about Dally when he talks to Johnny about jail?
  2. When does Pony say was the first time he ever saw Johnny without that defeated look on his face?
  3. Why would Johnny be “having the time of his life” in the church?
  4. Johnny’s behavior (not scared, having fun, very decisive) inside the burning church is both  ironic and not ironic.  a) True  b) False
  5. When Pony asks about Dally and Johnny, and Jerry Wood “studies his wedding ring,” what’s going on?
  6. How/when does Pony finally realize that Darry really does care about him?

Chapter 6– 7.

link to the on-line version in case you are absent.


Wednesday, 9/18: Scramble, Gramma’, Vocab, Richard Cory, Outsiders

“Scramble, 9/18.”

  • I forgot
  • it exploded
  • I was concentrating
  • and
  • because
  • in the microwave
  • on my homework
  • about the popcorn

“Gramma’, 9/18.” (10) Copy the underlined part below and list them.
Yesterday, the llama stupidly hit his fat head on the red door and fell awkwardly.

Nouns (3):
Verbs (2):
Adjectives (2):
Adverbs (3):

“Vocab, 9/18.”

   2.illicit-1     3.  4.discreet discrete
discreet, discrete, vain, elicit, illicit, hysterical, contemplate, patronize, stamina, indulge

  1. _____
  2. _____
  3. _____
  4. Which pair of homophones? ______ and ______. (Yes, the order matters.)
  5. “You’re so ____. You probably think this song is about you.”
  6. Pony and Johnny had a lot of time in the church to quietly ______ life.
  7. It was very (in)____ to cheat on a test and then brag about it.
  8. An early meaning of this word was to “treat with excessive kindness.” _____
  9. The roots of this word meant “drawn out by trickery or magic.” _____
  10. S.E. Hinton has said that she didn’t have the ____ to be a teacher. Worrying about the kids’ problems wore her out.
  11. I finally had to poke him to ____ any response at all!
  12. The roots of this word mean “not allowed.” _____
  13. The root of this word meant “defender.” _____

Richard Cory.”  Which character from The Outsiders could be compared to Richard Cory? What line did they use that relates to this poem?


Outsiders to the end of Chapter 6+.  A link to the on-line version in case you are absent.

Tuesday, 9/17: Warm Up, Debrief Test #3, Advoibs, Vocab, Outsiders

“Warm Up, 9/17.” Most missed questions on Test #3. ANSWER NOT LETTER.
a) dogged  b) indignant  c) conducive  d) wistful  e) implore  f) subside  g) acquit  h) leery  i) gorge  j) bluff

  1. The root of this word meant “NOT worthy.” _____
  2. The roots of this word meant “to look with disapproval.” _____
  3. That embarrassing moment when you realize your llama just wrote a run-on sentence. Fragment, Run-on, OK?
  4. The llama won the race although he had a broken leg. Fragment, Run-on, OK?
  5. Up, up, and away in my beautiful llama balloon.  Fragment, Run-on, OK?
  6. The top of Jay Mountain seemed so far away. a) Mountain seemed  b) top seemed  c) Mountain away  d) NOTA
  7. The last question on the test was hard! a) test was b) test question c) question hard d) question was e) NOTA
  8. Who said? “I guess we’re different.” a) Pony b) Johnny c) Soda d) Cherry e) Dally f) Two-Bit g) Steve

Debrief Test #3. Several of the above will be on the Test AGAIN!

“Adverbs, 9/17.” Single Words (not phrases) that answer the questions: how? where? when?

  1. Adverbs describe ____s, ____s, and _____s.
    List the adverbs you find in each sentence. (9)
  2. She jumped up rather suddenly, and left the room.
  3. That llama is absolutely magnificent, and I need it now.
  4. At the pet shop, a cuddly, little kitten snuggled sweetly up to me, and I nearly bought it..
  5. The early bird always gets the worm early.

“Vocab, 9/17.”
discreet, discrete, vain, elicit, illicit, hysterical, contemplate, patronize, stamina, indulge

  1. _____
  2. _____
  3. _____
  4. _____
  5. He ____(ed) on the poem for a long time, but the meaning (______ed)* him, and he couldn’t grasp it. (* = previous vocab word for +1)
  6. legal : illicit :: combined : ______
  7. gossipy : discreet :: nonchalant : _____
  8. The teacher tried to ____ the correct response from the students by giving hints.
  9. I did not want to be ___(ed); I felt I was savvy enough to make my own decisions.
  10. I am never going to ____ that store again after they were so rude to me.
  11. It’s my birthday. I’m going to ______myself and eat whatever I want to eat.
  12. The root of this word meant “empty or without substance.”_____

Outsiders to almost the end of Chapter 6.  A link to the on-line version in case you are absent.


Monday, 9/16: Homework, Click in Test #3 and Debrief, Outsiders

Advisory Schedule. Link to slides.

Copy homework into planner:

  • KBARR ! Read 15 minutes M-Th, get chart signed (in notebook), respond 1 page (in notebook) by Friday. (Here are some more ideas for responding.)
  • Vocabulary due Tuesday, THURSDAY.
    • Defns. from LearnersDictionary due Tuesday.
    • SMYK’s due Thursday.

“Sentence Combo, 9/16.” Add, subtract, rearrange. Extra for extra.

  1. The llama usually got seasick. He lived on a houseboat.
  2. She likes pizza. The llama prefers salmon burgers

Revisit paperwork from Friday:

KBARR: ____/8   SMYK? Yes/No.    Extra Combos:____  Other Extra Credit:

Click in Test #3.

The Outsiders aloud. Finally! A link to the on-line version in case you are absent. We will be finishing chapter 5/beginning chapter 6 today.