Wednesday, 8/21: Adjectives, Vocab, Outsiders

(BTSN Video)

Checking KBARR. SMYK’s due tomorrow. Show Me You Know Sentences. (In notebook.) Copy the starters on your vocab sheet and complete into sentences that SHOW ME YOU KNOW what the words mean.



“Adjectives, 8/21.” (11) List the adjectives in each sentence.

  1. With his silly attitude, he fits the role of the jester perfectly.
  2. The running criminal was finally tackled.
  3. I wonder how Vivian can afford to wear the very latest styles.
  4. Two-Bit nodded wisely. “Nice cut, too. Makes you look like a tough guy.”
  5. Ruefully the wicked llama apologized for his wrong actions.
  6. The llama, with its pink horns, is his favorite animal.
  7. I really like lemon pie with vanilla ice cream..

“Vocab, 8/21.” (13p)
bliss, infer, bleak, nonchalant, gingerly, rueful, savvy, conform, sage, fathom, connotation


9. The roots of this word meant “to make a note in addition.”
10. A person who doesn’t like to ______ to the group is often looked at as an outsider.
11. Even though their denotations (definitions) are similar, the words nosy and curious have different _____(s).
12. He nodded ____(ly) and said, “It would have been wiser to have someone pick you up.”
13. Her outlook on life was very _____ after the accident that killed her brother.

“Outsiders, 8/21.”Which Outsiders character… (Ponyboy, Sodapop, Darry, Steve, Johnny)

  1. …gets drunk on just plain living?
  2. …likes to “lone it”?
  3. …doesn’t understand anything but “cold, hard facts”?
  4. …was badly beaten by the Socs?
  5. …thinks Ponyboy is a “tag-along and a kid”?

1st, 2nd, 3rd person narrators and their pronouns.


1st: I, me, we, us
2nd: you  (rare)
3rd: he, she they


Advantages and disadvantages of 1st vs. 3rd.

What does every story have to have in order to be a story?

Read Aloud.