Thursday, 8/15: Welcome, Seating, Info, Vocab, “Motto”

Seating Charts!

  • Read the map, find your spot.


  • Homework is assigned every Monday or first day of the week. YOU WILL write your homework in your planner every Monday or first day of the week.
  • Including now. Open your planner.
    • Homework 8/15-16.
      • Get a spiral notebook just for this class by MONDAY, 8/19. BRING IT EVERY DAY.
      • Have an independent reading (KBARR) book ready to go by MONDAY, 8/19.




Everything we do, every day. Go there when you are absent. Go there if you lose a handout or don’t have the vocab.

“Vocab, 8/15.” Let’s see what you already know. Then…
Copy. (Normally you will be looking these up on Monday night yourself at
How is a motto different from just another old saying?

  1. advocate (v) –  to support or argue for
  2. grimace (n or v) – a facial expression that shows disgust, disapproval, or pain
  3. adapt (v) – to change your behavior so that it is easier to live in a particular place or situation
  4. motto (n) – a short sentence or phrase that expresses a rule guiding the behavior 

“Vocab Practice, 8/15” Write the appropriate word.

  1. _____
  2. _____
  3. The roots of this word mean “to call to one’s aid.”
  4. The root of this word is Spanish for “disgust.”
  5. One of your jobs in this class is to _____ for yourself when you need help.

Motto   by Langston Hughes          

I play it cool    
and dig all jive. 
That’s the reason
I stay alive.
My motto,
As I live and learn
Dig and Be Dug
In Return. 

  1. What does he mean by the word dig?
  2. What do you think “dig all jive” means?
  3. What other saying(s) have you heard or use might mean something similar to “dig and be dug in return”?
  4. True or False?: “It’s not fair!” is a motto.
  5. What’s your Motto?


Last 5 minutes: 1st Day of School Info: