Friday, 3/7: Paperwork, Mental Floss, Test #24

TuTu Schedule.

Prep Sheet For Test #24:

KBARR: ___/24 or KBAR: ___/8  SMYK:___/10  Bonuses:

Mental Floss.

  1. A man asks his two sons to do a chore. When they finish, he gives them twenty five cents to split.  What time is it?  (haha. No, don’t tell me the present time. What time does the story represent?)
  2. When is 30 plus 30 equal to 1? (2 similar answers)
  3. Each sentence below contains a word whose letters can be rearranged to answer or describe the sentence.
    • a) Bit of brush.
    • b) Opposite of unite.
    • c) Craft that might tip in the ocean.
  4. Think of two-word rhymes that are described by the clues.  Example: noisy gathering of many people Answer: loud crowd
    • a) hole full of water below room temperature
    • b) single telecommunications device
    • c) slender fish appendage
  5. Change the position of just one of the words below so that all the words are in an alphabetical sequence:
    llama, phoenix, hyena, alligator, beaver, elephant, tortoise, antelope

Test #24.

Doodle Theme: Happy.

Thursday, 3/6: Warm Up, Agreement Pretest, Vocab, E-Men, Giver

Tomorrow’s Test: See above. Preview after Period 4.

Checking SMYKs.

Much Madness is divinest Sense–
To a discerning Eye–
Much Sense–the starkest Madness–
‘Tis the Majority
In this, as All, prevail–
Assent–and you are sane–
Demur–you’re straightway dangerous–
And handled with a Chain–

“Warm Up, 3/6.”

  1. Emily Dickinson felt that “the Majority” always prevailed on the question of…   
  2. Poem #435 says that if a person looked very carefully… 
  3. Poem #435 says that if you disagree with the majority… 
  4. It turns out that the job a Martian has to have to welcome Earth men is…


Debrief Test #23. Hrrmmm.


“Agreement Pretest.”  Write the ANSWER. click the letter.

  1. Either your teacher or your pet llama ___ what you need to help you flourish.    a) teacher are  b) either have  c) either has  d) llama have  e) teacher has  f) NOTA
  2. Both of the brothers ____ pepperoni pizza.  a) brothers love  b) both love  c) both loves  d) brothers loves  e) NOTA
  3. The killer llama, among the largest predators, ____to be as long as twenty-seven feet. a) predators were  b) llama grows  c) predators grow  d) predators grows  e) llama is  f) NOTA
  4. One of the most annoying students ____ sentenced to hard labor at the llama academy.  a) one was  b) students were  c)  one were  d) students was  e) NOTA
  5. Ten dollars ____ the price of the movie.  a) ten are  b) dollars are  c) price are  d) price is  e) NOTA
  6. ____ the llama or the flying lizard been to the Moon yet?   a) llama, lizard has   b) llama, lizard have  c) llama, lizard do  d) llama, lizard does   e) NOTA
  7. _____ Jimmy and his mom want to come with us to the llama party?    a) Jimmy, mom do  b) mom does   c) Jimmy does  d) Jimmy, does  e) Jimmy, mom does  f) NOTA
  8. The tests, which we have on Friday, ___ not that difficult if you do your classwork and study.  a) Friday is  b) tests are    c) tests was   d) Friday was  e) tests is  f) NOTA
  9. Neither the trumpet player nor the drummer _____ to our school.  a) trumpet player, drummer are  b) trumpet player, drummer is  c)  neither  go   d) neither goes  e) NOTA
  10. The blonde llama, like the ones in the movie, ___ very rare and valuable.  a) ones are  b) ones is  c) movie is  d) llama is  e) llama are  f) NOTA

“Vocab, 3/6.” Lots of repeats.
blasphemy, caper, visage, lineage, delusion, propagate, naive, aesthetic, cynical, peevish

  1. _____
  2. _____ (Not lineage)
  3. _____
  4. _____ (not peevish)
  5. The wind made the old newspapers _____ across the empty streets.
  6. Some people say that it is only a ______that there is life after death…
  7. …They think that we are being _____ to think that we are anything but worm food…
  8. …But someone who is deeply religious might say that kind of talk is ______.
  9. There are the _____(s) of four presidents on Mount Rushmore.
  10. Because of the Martian’s telepathy, the Earth men were under the _______ that their loved ones had come back to life.
  11. The root of this word is a part of the word itself. _____ (duh)
  12. The root of this word meant “sight.” _____
  13. The root of this word was Greek for “dog” or “hound.” ______

“The Earth Men”  Link for those at home: The Martian Chronicles. The story begins on page 22.

Questions on tomorrow’s test:

  1. Why does the story end with a “weather report”?
  2. “A shot rang out. Mr. Xxx fell.”  a) exposition  b) rising action  c) inciting incident  d) rising action  e) climax  f) falling action  g) resolution
  3. “When the town people found the rocket at sunset, they wondered what it was. (p30) a) exposition  b) rising action  c) inciting incident  d) rising action  e) climax  f) falling action  g) resolution
  4. “That night it rained all night. The next day was fair and warm.”  (p31)  a) exposition  b) rising action  c) inciting incident  d) rising action  e) climax  f) falling action  g) resolution


Giver Movie Ending.

  • Which scenes from the movie would you use for the trailer? Why?
  • What if we were making a “book trailer”? Would you use the same scenes? What would be different?

“Giver, 3/9.”

  • Book or Movie? 3 Reasons why + Example for each.

Wednesday 3/5: Warm Up, Agreement, Vocab, E-men, Givah

“Warm Up, 3/5.” Do 6-10.

Period 1- Test #12

Period 2- Test #13

Period 3- Test #2

Period 5- Test #13

Period 6- Test #4

“S/V Agreement, 3/5.”

  1. _____ Jimmy and his mom want to come with us to the llama party?
  2. The news_____ on at 6pm.
  3. Either the llama or the tree ____ added to the pic to make it funnier. (past tense)
  4. Ten dollars ____ the price of the movie.
  5. Some rare llamas ____ smaller llamas inside.
  6. One of my llamas ____ going on a trip to France.
  7. Sheila, but not her brother, ____ working tomorrow.
  8. (S/V for each clause.) The Albino Llama ___ many mysteries which ____unsolved to this day

“Vocab, 3/5.”
blasphemy, caper, visage, lineage, delusion, propagate, naive, aesthetic, cynical, peevish

  1. _____ (Not visage.)
  2. _____
  3. _____
  4. This pic came from a page called, “Things that are NOT _____.”
  5. She scraped her knee _____(ing) around on the blacktop.
  6. The original root of this word meant “goat.” _____
  7. The root of this word meant “natural.” _____
  8. The root of this word meant “young shoot.” _____
  9. naive : savvy :: optimistic : ______
  10. During WWII, giant posters with Hitler’s ______ loomed from almost every wall in Germany.
  11. His family’s ______ here in the U.S. was very long, stretching all the way back to the Mayflower.
  12. The root of this word meant “to mock or play with.” _____

“It’s like it ain’t so much what a fellow does, but it’s the way the majority of folks is looking at him when he does it.”

What does this mean?

Poem #435  by Emily Dickinson

Much Madness is divinest Sense–
To a discerning Eye–
Much Sense–the starkest Madness–
‘Tis the Majority
In this, as All, prevail–
Assent–and you are sane–
Demur–you’re straightway dangerous–
And handled with a Chain–

Madness = insanity
 = most perfect, the best
discerning Eye = someone looking  very carefully
starkest = most obvious
All = everything
prevail = decides/wins
assent = agree
demur = disagree

“435, 3/5.”

“Translate” the poem as best you can using the vocab key. This will be your cheat sheet on Friday.

Finish “The Earth Men.”
Link for those at home: The Martian Chronicles. The story begins on page 22.

How does the poem relate to the story?


Giver if time…

Tuesday, 3/4: Agreement, Vocab, E-Men, Givah

Warm Up: Spin the Wheel of Doom! Anything in the 20s = second digit.

Period 1- Test #12 1-5

Period 2- Test #13 1-5

Period 3- Test #2 1-5

Period 5- Test #13 1-5

Period 6- Test #4 1-5

“Agreement, 3/4.” Write the SUBJECT and an appropriate VERB FORM in PRESENT TENSE.

  1. Humberto, along with his llamas, _____ going on a long trip soon.
  2. Those llamas in that boat there ____ in danger of drowning.
  3. The blonde llama, like the ones in the movie, ___ very rare and valuable.
  4. Both Jimmy and The Llama Guy ____ pepperoni pizza.
  5. The killer llama, among the largest predators, ____to be as long as twenty-seven feet.
  6. The average llama ___ more than 30,000 poisonous, sharp quills.
  7. Everyone ____ time to relax with a few llamas.
  8. Nobody ____ having to clean up after llamas.
  9. Even though most students like the class, a few ____ that it’s too difficult.
  10. Either Krusty or Charlie___ going to the backstage party but not both.

“Vocab, 3/4.”  blasphemy, caper, visage, lineage, delusion, propagate, naive, aesthetic, cynical, peevish

  1. _____
  2. _____
  3. _____
  4. _____
  5. In order for a species to survive, it must ______ itself.
  6. Apparently, fourth period was under the _____ that it was OK to interrupt the teacher.
  7. Dally was very ______ about life; he saw nothing good in it, and looked on the bad side of everything.
  8.  In addition to being very functional and useful, the machine was also ______(ally) pleasing.
  9. excited : disappointed :: savvy : _______
  10. Most people start to get more _____ as they get hungry. (Not cynical.)
  11. One of the crimes Joan of Arc was burned for was ____ against the church.
  12. The rumor seemed to _______ itself all over the school; by the afternoon everyone had heard it.
  13. The root of this word meant “to perceive.” _____ {Bonus: What medical word is related to this word? Hint: Add a prefix.}

“The Earth Men.”
Link for those at home: The Martian Chronicles. The story begins on page 22.
(Read to the top of p27: “The other three men stood with their shadows under them. They spat on the  stone street … “)

Things to watch for. (Hint: Quiz tomorrow.)

  1. What does the captain say that finally makes Mr. Aaa stop and listen to him?
  2. What is it the Earth men want from the Martians?
  3. Even though it doesn’t really have anything to do with the story, Ray Bradbury spends time describing a mechanical spider toy that the little girl plays with. What’s the point? (Two answers!)

The Giver Big Screen Version.

Monday, 3/3: Homework, Agreement, Mars, Earth Men

Advisory Schedule.

Copy Homework into Planner:

  • KBARR  Returneth! Read 15 minutes, get chart signed DAILY (in notebook), respond 1 page by Friday.
    (NO RESPONSE FOR PERIODS 1 and 3 and 6.)
  • Vocabulary due Tuesday and Thursday.
    • due Tuesday – Definitions in notebook.
    • due Thursday– Copy and Finish the SMYK’s.
  • Giver Project due Friday.

“Agreement, 3/3. ” Write the true subject of the sentence and then a proper verb form.
Example: The team with the best uniforms usually _____ the game.  team wins

  1. Sophie, along with all her friends, ___ going to the party.
  2. On that road next to the river ____several abandoned cars.
  3. Neither the trumpet player nor the drummer _____ to our school.
  4. The test which we have on Fridays ___ not that difficult if you do your classwork and study.
  5. Neither the llama nor I ____ going to the game tomorrow.
  6. “Sleeping Llamas” _____ like a boring show.
  7. The llamas in the band _____ pretty well for llamas.
  8. Most of the llama’s music _____ playing on the radio.
  9. One of the most annoying students ____ getting detention tomorrow.
  10. Chadillac, with his posse following, ____ heading for the ISS for a mission.



Should we try to land people on MARS? Why/Not?

  • 21 month round trip
  • solar radiation
  • -50 avg. temp
  • 98% CO2 atmosphere
  • 38% of our gravity
  • zero life or water; lots of dust and rocks


“The Earth Men” from The Martian Chronicles by Ray Bradbury.

What happens (historically) when two very different cultures meet?

What if an alien knocked on your door? What would you DO?

What does telepathy literally mean? ___ ___. (Up to +2!)
What do you think having true telepathy would be like?

Let’s go to Mars. (p16)

Link to story for absentees: The Martian Chronicles. The story begins on page 22.


The Giver Big Screen Version.