Tuesday, 3/4: Agreement, Vocab, E-Men, Givah

Warm Up: Spin the Wheel of Doom! Anything in the 20s = second digit.

Period 1- Test #12 1-5

Period 2- Test #13 1-5

Period 3- Test #2 1-5

Period 5- Test #13 1-5

Period 6- Test #4 1-5

“Agreement, 3/4.” Write the SUBJECT and an appropriate VERB FORM in PRESENT TENSE.

  1. Humberto, along with his llamas, _____ going on a long trip soon.
  2. Those llamas in that boat there ____ in danger of drowning.
  3. The blonde llama, like the ones in the movie, ___ very rare and valuable.
  4. Both Jimmy and The Llama Guy ____ pepperoni pizza.
  5. The killer llama, among the largest predators, ____to be as long as twenty-seven feet.
  6. The average llama ___ more than 30,000 poisonous, sharp quills.
  7. Everyone ____ time to relax with a few llamas.
  8. Nobody ____ having to clean up after llamas.
  9. Even though most students like the class, a few ____ that it’s too difficult.
  10. Either Krusty or Charlie___ going to the backstage party but not both.

“Vocab, 3/4.”  blasphemy, caper, visage, lineage, delusion, propagate, naive, aesthetic, cynical, peevish

  1. _____
  2. _____
  3. _____
  4. _____
  5. In order for a species to survive, it must ______ itself.
  6. Apparently, fourth period was under the _____ that it was OK to interrupt the teacher.
  7. Dally was very ______ about life; he saw nothing good in it, and looked on the bad side of everything.
  8.  In addition to being very functional and useful, the machine was also ______(ally) pleasing.
  9. excited : disappointed :: savvy : _______
  10. Most people start to get more _____ as they get hungry. (Not cynical.)
  11. One of the crimes Joan of Arc was burned for was ____ against the church.
  12. The rumor seemed to _______ itself all over the school; by the afternoon everyone had heard it.
  13. The root of this word meant “to perceive.” _____ {Bonus: What medical word is related to this word? Hint: Add a prefix.}

“The Earth Men.”
Link for those at home: The Martian Chronicles. The story begins on page 22.
(Read to the top of p27: “The other three men stood with their shadows under them. They spat on the  stone street … “)

Things to watch for. (Hint: Quiz tomorrow.)

  1. What does the captain say that finally makes Mr. Aaa stop and listen to him?
  2. What is it the Earth men want from the Martians?
  3. Even though it doesn’t really have anything to do with the story, Ray Bradbury spends time describing a mechanical spider toy that the little girl plays with. What’s the point? (Two answers!)

The Giver Big Screen Version.