Monday, 3/3: Homework, Agreement, Mars, Earth Men

Advisory Schedule.

Copy Homework into Planner:

  • KBARR  Returneth! Read 15 minutes, get chart signed DAILY (in notebook), respond 1 page by Friday.
    (NO RESPONSE FOR PERIODS 1 and 3 and 6.)
  • Vocabulary due Tuesday and Thursday.
    • due Tuesday – Definitions in notebook.
    • due Thursday– Copy and Finish the SMYK’s.
  • Giver Project due Friday.

“Agreement, 3/3. ” Write the true subject of the sentence and then a proper verb form.
Example: The team with the best uniforms usually _____ the game.  team wins

  1. Sophie, along with all her friends, ___ going to the party.
  2. On that road next to the river ____several abandoned cars.
  3. Neither the trumpet player nor the drummer _____ to our school.
  4. The test which we have on Fridays ___ not that difficult if you do your classwork and study.
  5. Neither the llama nor I ____ going to the game tomorrow.
  6. “Sleeping Llamas” _____ like a boring show.
  7. The llamas in the band _____ pretty well for llamas.
  8. Most of the llama’s music _____ playing on the radio.
  9. One of the most annoying students ____ getting detention tomorrow.
  10. Chadillac, with his posse following, ____ heading for the ISS for a mission.



Should we try to land people on MARS? Why/Not?

  • 21 month round trip
  • solar radiation
  • -50 avg. temp
  • 98% CO2 atmosphere
  • 38% of our gravity
  • zero life or water; lots of dust and rocks


“The Earth Men” from The Martian Chronicles by Ray Bradbury.

What happens (historically) when two very different cultures meet?

What if an alien knocked on your door? What would you DO?

What does telepathy literally mean? ___ ___. (Up to +2!)
What do you think having true telepathy would be like?

Let’s go to Mars. (p16)

Link to story for absentees: The Martian Chronicles. The story begins on page 22.


The Giver Big Screen Version.