Friday, 2/28: Paperwork, Mental Floss, Test #23

TuTu Schedule.

Prep Sheet for Test #23:

Giver KBARR: ___/18  SMYK:___/10  Giver Quizzes: ___/5 ___/9   ___/5  Other Bonus:

Period 3 gets +3 for Vocab Relay, Periods 5 and 6 get +2, Periods 1 and 2 get +1. Extra Combos, extra words, 13/13’s.

Mental Floss.

  1. Two men got lost while exploring in the desert. Each man had a compass. One headed due East, and the other headed due West. Two hours later, they met. How?
  2. You have 27 marbles. You have 4 cups. You must put an odd number of marbles in each cup. How? (NO questions.)
  3. Following are groups of three words. Can you figure out the common link within each group? Example: Hurricane, potato, needle, (answer: eyes)
    a) computer, onion dip, poker game
    b) bowling alley, dress-maker, wrestling match
    c) dentist, oil field, basketball practice
  4. Giver Anagrams: a) He Cried Elf   b) Nice Hot Tummy  c) Sew Her Eel

Test #23. Doodle Theme: That one thing.

“The Forecast” by Dan Jaffe

Perhaps our age has driven us indoors.
We sprawl in the semi-darkness, dreaming sometimes
Of a vague world spinning in the wind.
But we have snapped our locks, pulled down our shades,
Taken all precautions. We shall not be disturbed.
If the earth shakes, it will be on a screen;
And if the prairie wind spills down our streets
And covers us with leaves, the weatherman will tell us.


Thursday, 2/27: Warm Up, Debrief Test #22, Vocab, Giver+

Tomorrow’s Test: Vocab, Forecast, Pedestrian, Giver, Warm Ups. Preview after Period 4.

“Warm Up, 2/27.” Answer not Letter.

  1. What chapter are we in in the movie?
  2. He didn’t want to embarrass the llama, so he didn’t act affectionate._____a) prep phrase  b) dependent clause  c) independent clause  d) NOTA
  3. If you searched in a more organized way, you might actually find it.  a) prep phrase  b) dependent clause  c) independent clause  d) NOTA
  4. reign:   a) Follows i/e rule.  b) Is an exception to the i/e rule.

“Scramble 2/28.”

a) –what he was doing  –emerged  –the attacking armies  –to see  –slowed  –from their crouching positions  –and watched  (S, CD, CX? Careful… This is Tricky!)

b)  *more numerous  *beside the road  *and the forests  *with mystery  *trees became  *were dark and thick  (S, CD, CX?)


Debrief Test #22. Studying Begins in Class!

“Vocab, 2/28.” derision, flounder, invigorating, rigmarole, speculate, conglomeration, flourish, impertinent, disposition, vigilance, audacious

  1. _____
  2. _____
  3. _____
  4. _____
  5. It was a(n) _____ plan with a lot of danger, but it just might work.
  6. The root of this word means “blunder.”_____
  7. The guards maintained their ______in watching for intruders.
  8. Dressed as a pirate, he entered the stage _____(ing) his sword. (Different meaning for this word!!)
  9. Everyone likes to ______ about which class is Mr. Coward’s fave, but you are all extra special to him.
  10. In the movie, the Chief Elder thinks the Giver is being ______.
  11. The root of this word meant “to increase in vigor.” (LOL. NOT invigorating!)
  12. The root of this word meant “to keep awake.”_____
  13. The unrehearsed and terrible performance elicited ______ from the disgruntled crowd.


NEW! Vocab Relay! TRUE OR FALSE? Fastest with fewest mistakes wins! Each mistake adds 3 seconds.

  1. You would be happy is someone spoke to you with derision.
  2. The DMV is an example of a rigmarole.
  3. People who study usually flounder on tests.
  4. It would be audacious to try out for American Idol without practicing.
  5. The Community is helping everybody flourish.
  6. The root of speculate means look.
  7. A security guard should have vigilance.
  8. A rollercoaster ride would be invigorating for most people.
  9. The main root of conglomeration means daring.
  10. Mr. Coward prizes impertinence.
  11. Red headed Will was floundering in the pond when Alyve saved him.
  12. The root of vigilance means look.
  13. The roots of impertinent mean not having reference to.
  14. The opposite of audacious is brave.
  15. The word flourish has two main meanings.
  16. Fiona is always full of derision.
  17. Santa is portrayed as being audacious.
  18. In the movie, the Chief Elder thinks the Giver is being impertinent.
  19. We can only speculate about why the Community was formed.
  20. Flourish and thrive are opposites.

“Giver 23 Quiz.”  Answer not Letter.

  1. The part where Jonas sees the apple change.  a) exposition  b) rising action  c) inciting incident  d) climax  e) resolution
  2. The part where Jonas is selected to be the new Receiver.  a) exposition  b) rising action  c) inciting incident  d) climax  e) resolution
  3. The part where Jonas and The Giver make the plan.  a) exposition  b) rising action  c) inciting incident  d) climax  e) resolution
  4. Jonas sees the Release. a) exposition  b) rising action  c) inciting incident  d) climax  e) resolution
  5. Jonas and Gabe sliding down the hill on the sled.  a) exposition  b) rising action  c) climax  d) falling action (haha)  e) resolution


OK. What Happened? Where on Plot Mountain did Lois Lowry leave us?

Wednesday, 2/26: Warm Up, Vocab, The Pedestrian, Giver

Bonus: What Previous Vocab Word?

“Warm Up, 2/26”  ANSWER NOT LETTER.

  1. Among the people honored at the banquet, the llama stood out._____ a) prep phrase b) dependent clause c) independent clause d) NOTA
  2. The llamas in the accident were treated for their injuries. _____ a) prep phrase b) dependent clause c) independent clause d) NOTA
  3. Can you determine if this is a complex sentence? a) prep phrase b) dependent clause c) independent clause d) NOTA
  4. In the beginning, there was nothing but llamas.  a) prep phrase b) dependent clause c) independent clause d) NOTA
  5. The llama thought he was OK however he wasn’t.   a) prep phrase b) dependent clause c) independent clause d) NOTA

“Vocab, 2/26.” derision, flounder, invigorating, rigmarole, speculate, conglomeration, flourish, impertinent, disposition, vigilance, audacious

  1. _____
  2. _____
  3. _____
  4. _____
  5. Will was ______(ing) in the pond  until Alyce saved him.
  6. Mr. Coward and Ms. Lincoln have very different _____(s).
  7. Jonas thought the sled ride was exciting and ______.
  8. The roots of this word mean “not having reference to.”_____
  9. The root of this word meant “to look” and “watchtower.” _____
  10. The roots of this word meant “to make strong.”_____
  11. The root of this word meant “to scoff at.”_____
  12. This week’s word _____ can be used similarly to a previous word, presumptuous.
  13. There is great _____ in the Community for “precision of language.”

Read “The Pedestrian.” Do the questions below in notebook.

“Pedestrian, 2/26.” ANSWER NOT LETTER.

  1. The main conflict in “The Pedestrian” is… Mr. Mead v ______
  2. Where does the police car say it is taking Mr. Mead?  a) To jail.  b) To be studied for his weirdness.  c) To be euthanized.  d) To get him a video screen.  e) NOTA
  3. “The Pedestrian”  is written in… a) 1st person  b) 2nd person  c) 3rd person
  4. Which of the following is closest in its theme to “The Pedestrian”?    a) The Midwife’s Apprentice  b) “The Forecast”  c) “Old Glory”  d) The Outsiders  e) “Nothing Gold Can Stay”  f) Maus

“Giver 21-22.” (10) OPEN BOOK. NOT Collaborative.

  1. What causes a change in Jonas’s plan?
  2. (4) What 4 “crimes” did Jonas commit in Chapter 21?
  3. How does Jonas keep the planes from “seeing” him and Gabe?
  4. Chapter 21 is in the _______ of the story.
  5. What did Gabe confuse for a plane?
  6. What was Jonas’s “most relentless” fear?


Big Screen.

Tuesday, 2/25: Warm Up, Scramble, Vocab, Giver (+ Project)

“Warm Up, 2/25” Phrase or Clause or Neither?

  1. If you searched in a more organized way, you might actually find it. _____
  2. To pass the test most of you will probably have to study.
  3. We can wait here until the llama calls us. _____
  4. He didn’t want to embarrass the llama, so he didn’t act affectionate._____
  5. To stay in shape for competition Celeste must exercise every day. _____

“Scramble 2/25.”

–to leave a dwelling  –the most dangerous part  –because  –for any citizen  –of a major rule  –it was a violation  –not on official business  –at night  –this was

“Vocab, 2/27.” derision, flounder, invigorating, rigmarole, speculate, conglomeration, flourish, impertinent, disposition, vigilance, audacious

  1. _____
  2. _____
  3. _____
  4. _____
  5. It is difficult to _____ accurately about the future because things are changing so rapidly.
  6. Mr. Coward does not put up with _______ speech in his classroom.
  7. His lame excuse was met with _____ by his mom.
  8. Santa Claus is usually portrayed as an amiable, smiling, fat man with a very pleasant ______.
  9. With care, feeding, and love, the little puppy ____(ed).
  10. Why do we have to go through all this ___ just to add on to our house?
  11. The roots of this word mean “together stick thing.”
  12. He didn’t study for the test so he ______(ed) on it and failed.
  13. The root of this word meant “bold, daring.”

Giver Project Options. Due next Friday, 3/8.

“Giver 20 Quiz.”

  1. What does The Giver say is the worst part of holding the memories? (one word)
  2. What was the Giver’s first sign that he had the power to receive memories like Jonas?
  3. What plan do The Giver and Jonas make?
  4. The Giver says that ____________ is the meaning of everything. (phrase)
  5. What’s the Giver’s plan when his and Jonas’s plan is finished?

Read aloud beginning of ch 21… Bye bye to you Gabe!


The Giver.

Monday, 2/24: Homework, Warm Up, The Forecast, Giver

Advisory Schedule: Slides Link.

Copy homework into planner:

  • KBARR = The Giver. There will be a reading check quiz every day, preceded by a Q/A session. Come prepared with questions about ANYTHING you don’t understand. Response = DAILY = 1 paragraph: summary and reaction combined. Reading assignments might change depending on how far we get in class, so pay attention!
    • Monday night: to the end of chapter 20
    • Tuesday night: to the end of chapter 22
    • Wednesday night:
    • Thursday: Nada.
  • Vocab due Tuesday, Thursday.
    • due Tuesday – Definitions in notebook.
    • due Thursday– Copy and Finish the SMYK’s.
  • Giver Project due Next Friday, 3/7. (Details Tuesday.)

“Warm Up, 2/24.”

  1. Chapter 20 will begin the ______ of our story. (Plot Mountain)
  2. How can we connect “Old Glory” and The Giver?
  3. How about “The Sneetches” and The Giver?
  4. How about “Number 12 Looks Just Like You” and The Giver?
  5. What does the word forecast mean?

“The Forecast” by Dan Jaffe

Perhaps our age has driven us indoors.
We sprawl in the semi-darkness, dreaming sometimes
Of a vague world spinning in the wind.
But we have snapped our locks, pulled down our shades,
Taken all precautions. We shall not be disturbed.
If the earth shakes, it will be on a screen;
And if the prairie wind spills down our streets
And covers us with leaves, the weatherman will tell us.

“Forecast, 2/24.” (6p)

  1. “The Forecast” is written in…  a) 1st person  b) 2nd person  c) 3rd person  d) 4th person
  2. The word forecast in the poem refers to the weatherman’s forecast, but it also adds another meaning for the poem. What else is the poem forecasting?
  3. This poem was written in 1964. How does it relate to today’s world?
  4. How can we relate this poem to The Giver?
  5. (2) Which character doesn’t belong with the others?  Why?  a) Pony  b) Alyce  c) Gran-Da  d) Donald  e) the Giver  f) Jonas

Giver Chapter 20 Aloud…



The Giver Big Screen Version?