Friday, 2/7: Paperwork, Mental Floss, Test #20

TuTu Schedule.

Have a FUN 3-day weekend!

Prep Sheet for Test #20:
Giver KBARR: ___/24     Defs on Time? Y / N     SMYK: ___/10   Giver Quizzes: ___/6  ___/10  ___/5
Other Extra Credit: Period 3 gets +2 for Relay, Periods 2,5,6 get +1.

Mental Floss.

  1. These word pairs are not in relation to each other, but if you find their synonyms, the two words will rhyme. Example : Plump Feline = Fat Cat.
    a) nondescript crustacean  b) old story  c) timid gnat  d) kiss dog
  2. In what month do Americans eat the least amount of food?
  3. Wacky Wordy:   Queso >
  4. Fill in the blanks below with a word that means the same as the word on the left when read normally, and fits the definition on the right when read backwards.
    • a) Friends ______ hit sharply.  
    • b) Rinds of fruit _______ What we do with over one third of our lives.  
    • c) Wicked _______ Exist
  5. Starting with an empty barrel, put in order. (Not a trick.)
    *2/3 full *1/4 empty *1/2 full *3/4 empty

Test #20.

Doodle Theme: An ad for your new movie!