“Quotes, 10/8.” Copy and punctuate. (You have some capital letter issues too!) For #4, unscramble and punctuate.
- Who let the llamas out Mom asked.
- What did you do asked the llama it looks bad
- Who said no pain no gain
- as | Two-Bit said | a chair | don’t talk | he pulled up | just listen
“S, CD, CX, 10/8.” a) Say whether each sentence is Simple, CompounD, or CompleX. b) Say why you think so.
- The llama thought he was OK until he wasn’t.
- Even though he knew it was a mistake, the llama ate the doughnut.
- It seemed essential to eat broccoli, but I watched the llamas instead.
- Can you determine if this is a complex sentence?
- Zoltan forgot his wallet, so he couldn’t buy broccoli.
- In the beginning, there was nothing but llamas.
“Vocab, 10/8.” (Bonus for who on #2. Bonus for which plant on #8.)
derive, disreputable, validate, contrived, tantalize, dignity, relevant, skeptical, (in)competent, phenomenon, abide
6. Everyone said they would ____by the judgment of Mom.
7. The root of this word meant “thing appearing to view.”
8. The codeine in prescription cough syrup is ____(ed) from the same plant that heroin and opium come from.
9. The greasers were so _____ that Cherry couldn’t let her parents see her with Pony.
10. Since she couldn’t talk to her Soc friend’s, Cherry got ____(ion) for her feelings by talking to Pony.
11. Everyone has to ____ by the same rules with no exceptions.
12. This week’s word ____ is similar in meaning to a previous vocab word: leery
13. The root of this word was Old French for “imagined or invented.”
Correct Chapter 9 Quiz.
Outsiders aloud, ch. 11. Online link. If you are absent, you MUST keep up the reading at home.