Wednesday, 1/8: Paragraph Scramble, Vocab, Vladek, Interviews

“Paragraph Scramble, 1/8.” Write out the paragraph in the correct order. No hints this time.

  1. The risky hours are from 6:00 p.m. until dawn.
  2. Walking through the jungles of Brazil is very dangerous at certain hours of the day.
  3. Alligators that can chew off one’s foot, and deadly black widow spiders also live in those jungles.
  4. One swift, stinging snake bite can cause paralyzation or sudden death.
  5. Lurking constantly in the jungle are deadly, nocturnal snakes.

“Vocab, 1/10.” fastidious, insinuate, improvise, shrewd, allegory, absolution, consign, agitate, sanction

  1. _____ (Not shrewd.)
  2. _____
  3. _____
  4. _____
  5. _____
  6. “You’re __(ing) I ate your goldfish?”
  7. Some people think that the Narnia series is a religious  _________, with Aslan the lion representing Christ.
  8. We ran out of the ingredients for the recipe, so we had to ______.
  9. Years of work were needed for the CIA agent to _____ himself into the terrorist organization.
  10. The Nuremberg Laws in Nazi Germany ____(ed) Jews to second-rate status.
  11. This word’s roots mean “to bend/lean inward.” ______
  12. The roots of this word  meant “driven.” ______
  13. The roots of this word meant “loathing or disgusted.” _____

Maus to p215. (p55 in online version.)

Interviews. Share FINISHED ESSAY (Not Notes) with me by end of day next Wednesday, 1/15.

Checklist and Rubric.

  • Introduction: Setting. Description of scene/setting. How it was set up. Why you chose this person. Relationship to this person.
  • Description of person. Show, don’t tell.
    • Looks. (Details.)
    • Voice and choice of words. Delivery.
    • Personality. (Bitter? Enthusiastic? Happy? Lost in memories? Crabby?  What?)
  • The intro/description should be 200-300 words.
  • Interview.
    • Questions you asked, followed by answers and follow up. (“My first question was…”  “I started by asking…” Etc.)
    • You may summarize their answers, but please include at least three good quotes (word for word, as close as you can get, using quotation marks) that use the person’s actual words.
  • Conclusion: Discuss what you learned, most surprising info, most interesting, change in attitude toward older people, etc. About 75-100+ words.
  • Name and Period and AN INTERESTING TITLE actually typed into the document.