Thursday, 1/23: Scramble, Spelling, Vladek

Tomorrow’s Test : Spelling, Scrambles, Maus. Preview after Period 4.

“Scramble, 1/23.” Different ways to go on this sentence. Four commas.

  1. who said his name was Runt
  2. who was having trouble
  3. got back to the midwife’s cottage
  4. when Alyce and the boy
  5. Jane was out
  6. with her milk
  7. seeing to Kate the weaver’s daughter

“Spelling, 1/23.” COPY 1-6. COPY the correct pair. NOT THE LETTER; THE WORDS! 

  1. center/group  a) corpse/core  b) core/corpse  c) corps/corp  d) corps/core  e) core/corps
  2. Cheerios/#25489   a) serial/cereal  b) cereal/cerial  c) cerial/serial  d) cereal/serial
  3. who owns/who is    a) whose/who’s  b) who’s/whose  c) who’se/who’s  d) who’s/whos’
  4. it is/it owns   a) it’s/its  b) its’/its  c) it’s/its’
  5. belongs to them/location   a) their/they’re  b) there/their  c) their/there  d) they’re/there
  6. inactive/hero  a) idole/idol b) idel/idol c) idle/idol d) idol/idle
  7. it’s, they’re, ___
  8. Do you understand the ____(s) of dividing fractions?
  9. The word ____ comes from the French word for body.
  10. Please note the ____ number on the device you are trying to get help with.

Finish Maus.

Questions on tomorrow’s test:

  1. Who helped Anja survive the end of the war?
  2. How were Vladek and the others saved from being shot by the lake?
  3. What does schnell mean?
  4. What was the explosion Vladek and Shivek felt in the barn?
  5. Why couldn’t Vladek and Anja move back in with Uncle Herman in  the US after the war?
  6. Why did Anja want to move to the US instead of staying in Sweden?
  7. Why do the Poles leave Anja alone after the war?
  8. What gives Anja hope about Vladek after the war?
  9. What is a DP?
  10. What is a Gentile?
  11. Art Spiegelman has said that the final page of Maus II really has at least three endings. What stories come to an end on that page?


Euphemism (n – U FEM ISM): A “nice” way of saying something  unpleasant. eu- = “good.”

Examples: passed on = died, sanitation engineer = garbage man,

  1. visually disabled =
  2. solid waste =
  3. landfill =
  4. economically disadvantaged =
  5. correctional facility =
  6. vertically challenged =
  7. intentionally inaccurate statement  =