Monday, 1/27: Homework, Euphemism, “Old Glory”

Advisory Schedule. Link to Slides.

Copy Homework into Planner:

  • KBARR = The Giver. There will be a reading check quiz every day, preceded by a Q/A session. Come prepared with questions about ANYTHING you don’t understand.  Response = DAILY = 1 + 1 + 1 = 1 sentence summary per NIGHT, 1 sentence reaction PER NIGHT, 1 thoughtful question PER NIGHT. Reading assignments might change depending on how far we get in class, so pay attention!
    • Monday night: to the end of chapter 1.
    • Tuesday night: to the end of chapter 3.
    • Wednesday night: to the end of chapter 5.
    • Thursday night: to the end of chapter 7.
  • Vocabulary  due Tuesday and Thursday.
    • due Tuesday Definitions in notebook.
    • due Thursday– Copy and Finish the SMYK’s

Euphemisms II.

  1. monthly housing accommodation payment
  2. governmental revenue ($) enhancement
  3. collateral damage
  4. encore telecast
  5. over the hill
  6. lose your lunch

Why would governments and the military (and schools) be big fans of euphemisms?

“Old Glory”

What is Old Glory” a nickname for?
Who is Uncle Sam?


A look at the Bill of Rights. Why is #6 especially important?

The Sixth Amendment establishes a number of rights of the defendant in a criminal trial:

to a speedy and public trial
to trial by an impartial jury
to be informed of criminal charges
to confront witnesses
to compel witnesses to appear in court
to assistance of counsel


Old Glory”  (PDF) Aloud.

Look at the heading and the format of the story. What’s the concept here?

What would a “Civic Responsibility” class be all about?  “Did my duty”?

Questions for after:

  1. On the surface, who are we initially supposed to think is the protagonist (hero) of the story?
  2. If we dig deeper, who is REALLY the protagonist?
  3. Conflict #1: ____ v _____
  4. Conflict #2: ____ v _____
  5. What right did the SOS law take away?
  6. Why did Gran-Da try to burn the flag?
  7. Why did Donald turn him in?
  8. What/Who does Uncle represent?
  9. Explain the last line: “What kind of world would that be?” (Use a previous vocab word.)
  10.  (BONUS) What do you think the main message of the story is?