Wednesday, 9/16/15: Grammar Double-Feature, Vocabulary, Outsiders

Double-Feature Preview: “Verb!” and “Mr. Morton”

So… What’s a verb?


Warm Up, 9/16/15. All vocabulary. You will use words twice. No need to copy.

  1. _____
  2. _____
  3. _____
  4. The dog in pic #3 is ______.
  5. “Johnny and I ______(ed) ourselves on barbecue sandwiches and banana splits.”
  6. lazy : dogged :: flattered : ______
  7. fear : panic :: ask : ______
  8. Moisture and heat help create an environment _____ to the growth of bacteria.
  9. The team’s ____ defense is what kept them in the game.
  10. Pony was _____ when he thought of what life was like when his parents were alive.


The Outsiders

Chapter 2 Open Mouth Quiz.

  1. True or False?  When Cherry says that she “kind of admires” Dally, this is ironic.
  2. “It was almost four months ago…” This begins an example of…
  3. “Not over his dead body…”  This is an example of…
  4. Who said, “Things are rough all over”?
  5. What does she/he mean?
  6. Who said, “I know better now”?
  7. This is an example of…
  8. When we assume that all members of a group are the same, we are using a ________ to judge people. (Example from Cherry: “That’s like saying all you greasers are like Dallas Winston…”)