Friday, 8/23: Paperwork, Mental Floss, Clickers, Test #1

Prep your sheet for Test #1:

KBARR: ___/24 (6p x 4)
SMYK: ___10
Vocab Practice: 8-20___/13 8-21:____/13 8-22:___/13

Listening Quiz (last week, 8-16): ___/10
Other Bonus: Period 3: +2 for vocab relay

Mental Floss. Do on back of test sheet.

  1. A boat has a ladder hanging off the side that has six rungs. Each rung is one foot apart. The bottom rung is one foot from the water. The tide rises at 12 inches every 15 minutes. High tide peaks in one hour. When the tide is at its highest, how many rungs are under water?
  2. Show how it is possible to name the capital of each and every one of the United States in less than a minute.
  3. Which is correct, “bigger of two halves” or “biggest of two halves”?
  4. Johnny’s mother had four children. The first was April, the second was May, and the third was June. What was the name of her fourth child?
  5. There are ten sheep walking in a straight line across a field. What numbered sheep can look back and say he is the third from the last in line?
  6. A house painter paints numbers on all the new houses in a neighborhood from 1-100. How many times does he have to paint the digit 9? (Not a trick; I’m just betting you can’t count.)



  1. Circle/Write the Letter on the sheet.
  2. Click that letter and then the square arrow key. It should move you to the next question.
  3. The black arrow keys move you back and forth between questions.
  4. The Round Arrow Deletes your answer.
  5. When you end up back at 1, you are finished.

Test #1.

Optional Doodle Theme: The messiest, most disgusting place you can imagine.

Thursday, 8/22: Adjectives, Vocab + Relay, Outsiders

Tomorrow’s Test: Classwork, Adjectives, Vocab, Outsiders. Preview copy up after Period 4.

“Adjectives, 8/22.” List the adjectives in each sentence (1-4). There is one sentence with none. Write “none” for that one.

  1. With a groovy beat playing, the llama smoothly rhymed his words.
  2. A frightened 7th grader woke up from his horrible dream of a giant, purple llama.
  3. Yesterday Jimmy sadly said goodbye to his pet llama with a bad haircut.
  4. The llama on a unicycle ate a doughnut.
  5. List the five vocab words that can be used as adjectives.

“Vocab, 8/22.” bliss, infer, bleak, nonchalant, gingerly, rueful, savvy, conform, sage, fathom, connotation

  1. Ignorance is ____ means you can’t be sad about things you don’t know about.
  2. The coach yelled at me for being too ____ at practice. He said I needed to work harder.
  3. Some people called him weird, but he preferred to be called a (non-)______(ist).
  4. The old man was considered the ____ of the village because of all his experience and wisdom.
  5. The root of this word means “shape.” _____
  6. The roots of this word mean “not being concerned.” _____
  7. The root of this word was old French for “delicate and graceful.” _____
  8. sadness : bliss :: ignorance : _____
  9. hopeful : bleak :: proud : _____
  10. (4) The mystery was (un)______(able). No one had solved it in over 100 years, but the ____ _____ was able to _____ the solution from the evidence.


The Outsiders.

What does every story have to have in order to be a story?

Test Section Preview.
Darry, Soda, Two-Bit, Steve, Ponyboy, Dallas, Johnny

  1. …doesn’t understand anything that isn’t “plain, hard fact”  _____
  2. Thinks Pony is a “tagalong and a kid.” _____
  3. An actual hoodlum. _____
  4. The loner of the crew. _____
  5. Goes to school “just for kicks.” _____
  6. The gang is kind of his substitute family. ____
  7. The most understanding and sympathetic one. ____

Wednesday, 8/21: Adjectives, Vocab, Outsiders

(BTSN Video)

Checking KBARR. SMYK’s due tomorrow. Show Me You Know Sentences. (In notebook.) Copy the starters on your vocab sheet and complete into sentences that SHOW ME YOU KNOW what the words mean.



“Adjectives, 8/21.” (11) List the adjectives in each sentence.

  1. With his silly attitude, he fits the role of the jester perfectly.
  2. The running criminal was finally tackled.
  3. I wonder how Vivian can afford to wear the very latest styles.
  4. Two-Bit nodded wisely. “Nice cut, too. Makes you look like a tough guy.”
  5. Ruefully the wicked llama apologized for his wrong actions.
  6. The llama, with its pink horns, is his favorite animal.
  7. I really like lemon pie with vanilla ice cream..

“Vocab, 8/21.” (13p)
bliss, infer, bleak, nonchalant, gingerly, rueful, savvy, conform, sage, fathom, connotation


9. The roots of this word meant “to make a note in addition.”
10. A person who doesn’t like to ______ to the group is often looked at as an outsider.
11. Even though their denotations (definitions) are similar, the words nosy and curious have different _____(s).
12. He nodded ____(ly) and said, “It would have been wiser to have someone pick you up.”
13. Her outlook on life was very _____ after the accident that killed her brother.

“Outsiders, 8/21.”Which Outsiders character… (Ponyboy, Sodapop, Darry, Steve, Johnny)

  1. …gets drunk on just plain living?
  2. …likes to “lone it”?
  3. …doesn’t understand anything but “cold, hard facts”?
  4. …was badly beaten by the Socs?
  5. …thinks Ponyboy is a “tag-along and a kid”?

1st, 2nd, 3rd person narrators and their pronouns.


1st: I, me, we, us
2nd: you  (rare)
3rd: he, she they


Advantages and disadvantages of 1st vs. 3rd.

What does every story have to have in order to be a story?

Read Aloud.

Tuesday, 8/20: Warm Up, Vocab, KBARR Check, Adjectives, Outsiders

I’m coming to see your first KBARR!

“Warm Up, 8/20.” (5) Write the answer (NOT LETTER) in your notebook. Do not copy the question. Do not forget to write the Title and Date.

  1. What’s the message of the poem “Motto”?  a) YOLO  b) Enjoy the good things while you can.  c) Treat others how you want to be treated.  d) “Dig it!”  e) NOTA
  2. The expression “Mind your own business” is a motto.  True  / False
  3. The expression “Ignorance is bliss” is a motto.   True  / False
  4. What pronouns are associated with a first person narrator?
  5. (2) Which word doesn’t belong? WHY?  a) evaluate b) predict c) question d) summarize e) react

“Vocabulary, 8/20.” (in your notebook, collaborative) All answers will be vocabulary words. Use your definitions and your group homies to help you. For #1-4, choose which word best fits the picture, and be prepared to explain why you think so. If you can justify more than one word for a picture, you might receive bonus credit.
bliss, infer, bleak, nonchalant, gingerly, rueful, savvy, conform, sage, fathom, connotation

  1. _____
  2. _____
  3. _____
  4. _____
  5. You can ____ from this picture that the person on the other end is upset.
  6. The roots of this word mean “same shape.” _____
  7. For the llama, the word dropout had the ____ of a gang member with a can a spray paint.
  8. Every time Homer Simpson says, “D’oh!” he is being ____ about something he did or didn’t do.
  9. Nobody could _____ why he liked school so much even though he got all F’s.
  10. Even though I was nervous, I tried to act cool and ______.
  11. This word came from Spanish for “you know.”
  12. cool : good :: dig : ______
  13. rules : requirements :: happiness : ___

“Adjectives, 8/20.”

  1. What does an adjective do?
  2. What is one example of an ending that can change a noun to an adjective?
  3. The running criminal was finally tackled.  ADJ or NOT?
  4. The lazy boy got an F. ADJ or NOT?
  5. I hate running in PE.  ADJ or NOT?
  6. I like the sound of running water.  ADJ or NOT?

The Outsiders.

  • What is it about our narrator that drives his oldest brother Darry crazy?
  • Which brother “understands everything, almost”?
  • Which brother “likes to lone it”?
  • As used in The Outsiders, the word hood is short for _____.
  • As used in The Outsiders, the words Soc is short for _____.

Read Aloud.

Monday, 8/19: Homework, KBARR, The Outsiders

Advisory Schedule.

Copy homework into planner.

Vocabulary Sheet How-To.

  • Definitions due (in notebook) tomorrow. Use!
  • Show-me-you-knows (SMYK) due Thursday. Copy my starter sentences into your notebook and complete them in a way that SHOWS ME YOU KNOW what each word means! 
  • For EXTRA CREDIT, make up sentences of your own by Friday that SHOW ME YOU KNOW.

KBARR! This week only: Respond 1/4 page/day. After this 1 page/week by Friday.

The Outsiders by S E Hinton  (1967)

Key Questions.

  • Vocab Word this week: connotation.
  • What are the connotations of the word “outsider”? What makes someone an outsider?
  • What does it mean to say, “Don’t judge a book by its cover”? (Bonus: where was the example of this in the adjectives video?)
  • As we read, try to decide, “Who are The Outsiders”?

Paul Newman?