Tuesday, 1/14: WoD, Debrief Test #16, Vladek, Essays

Spin the Wheel of Doom for Review. Quiz Thursday: I pick 7 0r 8 from today and tomorrow + Vladek questions.

“WoD, 1/14. Period 1.”


“WoD, 1/14. Period 2.”


“WoD, 1/14. Period 3.”


“WoD, 1/14. Period 5.”


“WoD, 1/14. Period 6.”


Debrief Test #16. Some good, some not. #11? Really?

  1. How did Vladek manage to get over to Birkenau and actually see Anja?
  2. Why does Vladek get beaten by a guard?

Maus p220 – end of Chapter 2? Online Version: p60–>

Time? Work on Essays.