Monday, 1/29: Homework, (Finish Vladek?), Euphemisms, “Old Glory”

Copy homework into planner:

  • KBARR ! Read 15 minutes, get chart signed DAILY (in notebook), respond 1 page by Friday. Four signatures  (M, T,W,Th) due Friday.
  • Vocabulary  due Tuesday and Wednesday.
    • due Tuesday – Definitions in notebook.
    • due Thursday– Copy and Finish the SMYK’s

“Spelling, 1/29.” COPY! Use your SPELLING list.

  1.  friendly : hostile :: active : _____
  2.  its, whose, ____
  3. (2)  Sacramento : ______ :: Mr. Meinert : ______
  4.  The popcorn ____ exploded.
  5. (2) _______ books are ______?

Finish Maus for those classes that didn’t.

Art Spiegelman has said that the final page of Maus II really has at least three endings. What???

Euphemism (n – U FEM ISM): A “nice” way of saying something  unpleasant. eu- = “good.”

Examples: passed on = died, sanitation engineer = garbage man,

  1. visually disabled =
  2. solid waste =
  3. landfill =
  4. economically disadvantaged =
  5. correctional facility =
  6. vertically challenged =
  7. intentionally inaccurate statement  =

1 CCTV camera for every 11 people in the UK. You are likely to be captured on UK CCTV up to 70 times per day.  If you live/work in London, that number could be closer to 300 times/day.  (2022)

Is it worth it?

A look at the Bill of Rights. Why is #6 especially important?

The Sixth Amendment establishes a number of rights of the defendant in a criminal trial:

to a speedy and public trial
to trial by an impartial jury
to be informed of criminal charges
to confront witnesses
to compel witnesses to appear in court
to assistance of counsel[109]

Old Glory”  (PDF) Aloud.

Old Glory” (Audio)

Look at the heading and the format of the story. What’s the concept here?


What would a “Civic Responsibility” class be all about?  Duty?

Bonus: What is “Old Glory” a nickname for? Respond thusly in your notebook with a date:
“Old Glory” is the nickname for___________.
Bonus Two: Uncle Sam is a nickname for ________.

Read Aloud.

Friday, 1/26: Paperwork, Mental Floss, Test #18

Special 5th Period Assembly Schedule.

Prep Sheet for Test #18:
KBARR: ___/24 SMYK:___/10 Vladek Quizzes: ___/6 ___/4 Other Extra Credit:
Period 6 gets +2 for Vocab Relay; all other classes get +1.

Mental Floss.

  1. There is a building with thirty stories and one elevator. On floor twenty-one, four people get on and zero get off. On floor thirteen, six get on and two get off. On floor nine, eight people get on and four get off. How many people would get on and off on floor thirty-one?
  2. Find the name of a planet hidden in each of the following sentences:
    • a) “Steven, use the screwdriver to build those shelves.”
    • b) Everyone takes a turn in the cage.
    • c) “Catherine, you ran us over with your bicycle!”
    • d) “Sam, arsenic is poisonous! I read about it on the internet.”
  3. The amazing No Snore Sally has gone 11 days without sleeping. How does she do it?
  4. What large and well known city in the U.S.A. is half golden and half silver?
  5. Although very old coins tend to be worth more than their face value, why is it that 1997 nickels are worth about $100?

Test #18.

Doodle Theme: A New Reality TV Show.

Thursday, 1/25: Warm Up, Vocab, Maus to the End?

“Tutorial” Schedule. Tomorrow’s Test: Grammar, Vocab, Vladek. Preview after Tutorial.

“Warm Up, 1/25.”  The llama in a jumpsuit ate a doughnut while Joey happily played Fortnite with ____ mom.

  1. (Elvis)
  2. ate:
  3. happily:
  4. played:
  5. with:
  6. Prep phrase(s)?
  7. I + D, D + I, or I + I?
  8. Subject/Verb 1?
  9. Subject/Verb 2?

“Vocab, 1/25.” ominous, solace, permeate, languid, ubiquitous, dejected, meticulous, assuage, assimilate, petulant

  1. _____
  2. _____
  3. _____
  4. _____
  5. Towards the end of the book, Vladek gets very ____ and weak because of his health issues.
  6. Vladek is so ____, he spent four hours unpacking, refolding and then repacking their luggage.
  7. She got rather _____ and disrespectful when her phone was taken away. (Not dejected.)
  8. The roots of this word mean “to pass through.” _____
  9. The root of this word meant “loose or too easy.” _____
  10. The root of this word was Latin for “everywhere.” _____
  11. The root of this word meant “not modest.”
  12. When your sadness is _____(ed)…
  13. …your soul has found ___. (Awww.)

“Vladek Quiz, 1/25.”

  1. Who helped Anja survive the end of the war?
  2. How were Vladek and the others saved from being shot by the lake?
  3. What does schnell mean?
  4. What was the explosion Vladek and Shivek felt in the barn?
  5. Why did Anja want to move to the US instead of staying in Sweden?

Maus II to the End?

Wednesday, 1/24: Gramma, Vocab, Vladek

“Warm Up, 9/26 1/24.” Yesterday, the llama stupidly hit his fat head on the closed door and fell awkwardly.
Copy each word below and choose N, V, Adj, Adv, Prep, Pronoun, or NOTA as it is used in the above sentence. (NOT COLLABORATIVE!)

  1. the:
  2. on
  3. his:
  4. fell:
  5. closed:
  6. Yesterday

“Clauses, 9/26 1/24.” Write the correct “equation for each “sentence.” [I = Independent Clause  D = Dependent Clause]
Choices: I + D = CX,   D + I = CX,   I + I = CD,   D = Fragment,   I = Simple.  

  1. After I ate a doughnut,   I felt blissful.
  2. We climbed slowly   up the very steep hill.
  3. Jimmy ate 17 doughnuts    , but     he didn’t get sick.
  4. The llama passed the test      because he studied.
  5. You must say, “Sir,”      when you say, “Mr. Coward.
  6. I ate a second doughnut   , and      I still felt good.
  7. Where I bought my llama.
  8. Joe ran     to the store    with his llama.
  9. When the llama started his company,      he had nothing.
  10. Since Jenni ate the hot dog,      she got sick.
  11. Write a sentence that is D + I.


“Vocab, 1/24.” ominous, solace, permeate, languid, ubiquitous, dejected, meticulous, assuage, assimilate, petulant

  1. _____
  2. _____
  3. _____
  4. _____ (Two acceptable, obvs.)
  5. The man finally ______(ed) his intense thirst with a drink from the fountain.
  6. He spoke in an _______ voice about the upcoming battle which they would probably lose.
  7. The smell of brownies _____(ed) the house and made me very hungry.
  8. Mr. Coward is not happy about Zoltan’s less than _____ papers. They are very difficult to decipher, and scores might get entered incorrectly.
  9. The roots of this root mean “to be like.”
  10. The original root of this word meant “fear.” (As in fear of failure?)
  11. The root of this word means “to throw.”
  12. (2) Whenever she was _____, she always seemed to find _____ in her music.
  13. It is taking us awhile to ______ the concepts of compound and complex sentences.

Maus, 1/24.”

  1. If Vladek was too weak to walk, how did he get on the train out of Dachau?
  2. Where was the train headed?
  3. What was Vladek’s explanation for his racism?
  4. How does this show that Mala was right that Vladek cares more about things than people?

Chapter 4: “Saved!” Online Version: p102–>


Tuesday, 1/23: Grammar, Vocab, Vladek

Tutorial” Schedule. Sigh.


  • for
  • and
  • nor
  • but
  • or
  • yet
  • so
Dependent Clause Starters

  • although
  • unless
  • because
  • if
  • when
  • though
  • even though
  • since
  • though
  • as
  • until
Prep Phrase Starters

  • with
  • in
  • on
  • by
  • between
  • like
  • over
  • at
  • from
  • for
  • during
  • like

“Scramble Gramma, 1/23.”
— from the ship  — they prepared  it  –for the stormy sea  –the crew  –and  –checked the llama 

  1. Unscramble into a correct sentence.
  2. CD or CX?
  3. Circle the two clauses separately.
  4. Label them Independent or Dependent.
  5. Underline/label the subject.
  6. Box/label the predicate.
  7. (2) What are the 2 prepositional phrases?
  8. (2) Label the words it and stormy as n,v,adj, etc.
  9. Change the sentence into the other type: cd–>cx or cx–>cd.

“Vocab 1/23.”
ominous, solace, permeate, languid, ubiquitous, dejected, meticulous, assuage, assimilate, petulant

  1. _____
  2. _____
  3. _____
  4. _____
  5. After he missed the tying field goal, the kicker was _____ for days.
  6. The goal of immigrants used to be _____(ion), but these days people are proud of their differences.
  7. When the little girl gets tired, she gets ____, and pouts about everything.
  8. The light in the room didn’t seem to come from any one source; it just sort of ______(ed)  the walls, casting a soft glow.
  9. Since they were so tired, they walked at a very _____ pace.
  10. With about 37,000 locations worldwide, Subway Sandwich places are _____.
  11. When Anja died, Vladek expected Artie to give him _____, not the other way around.
  12. The root of this word means “omen.”
  13. The roots of this word mean “change to sweet.”

“Maus Quiz, 1/23.” (6)

  1. Why couldn’t Vladek and the others do their plan to escape from Auschwitz?  
  2. What does Francoise mean when she says, “I’ll bet you that Anja’s notebooks were written on both sides of the page…” ? 
  3. How does Vladek get the store manager to accept the returned food? 
  4. Where does Vladek say his “troubles began”?    
  5. What was the biggest “trouble”?
  6. Why did the French man share his food with Vladek?


Maus aloud: p256—> Online version: p91–>