Wednesday, 12/19: Vocab + Relay, S/CD/CX, Vladek, 120?

Tomorrow’s Test (yes, Tomorrow’s): Vocab, S/CD/CX, Vladek.

No KBAR tomorrow night! Your chart should show three (3) complete lines tomorrow!

“Vocab, 12/19.” (13)
mesmerize, quarantine, hypochondria, pandemonium, defray, subjugate, resolute, intercede, disgruntled, wallow, pauper, *incorporate, *initiative, *acknowledge, *transport, *incidence
mitcarbonreductionsavings wallow in self pity not new-years-resolutions 

  1. _____
  2.  _____
  3. _____
  4. _____
  5. The prefix of this word means under.  _____
  6. We were completely _____(ed) by the amazing acrobatic performance.
  7. Their argument probably would have become violent if the llama hadn’t _____(ed).
  8. The poor villagers needed someone to _______ on their behalf and help them to be treated fairly.
  9. Fifth period is often the scene of _____, and that is why they rarely get a “10” from a guest teacher.
  10. We held a carwash to help ______ the cost of the trip.
  11. (2) They separated all the people with _____ to an imaginary ______. (haha)
  12. * The drug has been linked with a higher _____ of certain cancers.




“S/CD/CX, 12/19.” (9)

  1. It seemed essential to eat broccoli, but I watched tv instead.
  2. His doctor recommended buying a goat and going water-skiing.
  3. He thought he was OK until he wasn’t.
  4. Rudolpho was upset when his mom ate the cheeselog.
  5. Though he knew it was a mistake, he ate the doughnut anyway.
  6. We should slow down, so the llama can catch up.
  7. The crew checked the llama, and the captain prepared it for the sea.
  8. Combine the following two sentences into one. Do it twice: First as a compound (CD) sentence, then as a complex (CX) sentence.
    • We took the skinheads bowling.
    • The llama stayed at home alone.


120 Seconds (in some classes.)


Maus. Vladek finally makes a mistake!

Tuesday, 12/18: Vocab, S/CD/CX, 120, Vladek

“Vocab, 12/18.”
mesmerize, quarantine, hypochondria, pandemonium, defray, subjugate, resolute, intercede, disgruntled, wallow, pauper, *incorporate, *initiative, *acknowledge, *transport, *incidence
 Excitement_After_the_Game  Mediator

  1. _____
  2. _____
  3. _____
  4. _____
  5. They took up a collection to help _____ the cost of the party.
  6. When the Apollo 11 astronauts returned from the first moon walk, they were _____(ed) to make sure they didn’t bring back any “space germs.”
  7. Many of you have pretended to be sick to get out of stuff, but a _____(c) actually believes he is sick.
  8. Mala says that, even though Vladek is rich, he still lives like a _____.
  9. The emperor’s armies _____(ed) the surrounding kingdoms.
  10. The prefix of this word means between.
  11. Anja was ______ about not giving up Richieu until it was too late to save him.
  12. *After their quarrel, they wouldn’t even ______ each other when they passed in the hall.




  • for
  • and
  • nor
  • but
  • or
  • yet
  • so
Dependent Clause Starters

  • although
  • unless
  • because
  • if
  • when
  • though
  • even though
  • since
  • though
  • as
  • until
Phrase Starters

  • with
  • in
  • on
  • by
  • between
  • like
  • over
  • at
  • from
  • for
  • during
  • like

“Clauses+, 12/18.” 

  1. Joe waited for the llama to arrive, but she was late. S, CD, CX?
  2. Since he didn’t want to embarrass the llama, he didn’t act affectionate. S, CD, CX?
  3. Rudolpho was upset because his llama ate the last of the cheeselog. S, CD, CX?
  4. The crew from the ship checked the llama and prepared it for the sea. S, CD, CX?
  5. We must repair the fence, or the llamas will rush through. S, CD, CX?
  6. If we don’t repair the fence, the llamas will rush through. S, CD, CX?
    Combine the sentences into the type of sentence asked for.
  7. The llama usually got seasick. He lived on a houseboat. (CX)
  8. A girl rode her unicycle. Down the street is where she went. She had a llama-shaped balloon. (SIMPLE! Use the chart above!)
  9. She likes pizza. The llama prefers salmon burgers. (CD)


120 Seconds



Monday, 12/17: Homework, SAWs, Debrief Test #16, Vladek

Copy “homework” into planner.

“SAWs, 12/17.”
transport (v): to carry (someone or something) from one place to another
initiative (n): 1) the energy and desire that is needed to do something    2) a plan or program that is intended to solve a problem
incorporate (v): 
to include (something) as part of something else
incidence (n):
how often something happens
acknowledge (v):  
1)  to admit   2) to express thanks or appreciation for

  1. _____
  2. _____
  3. _____
  4. _____
  5. The teacher said to ____at least five vocab words in the essay.
  6. Even as more attention is drawn to “cancer awareness,” the actual ______ of cancer has been declining since 1992.
  7. Part of being a good citizen is _______(ing) that there are differences between people, and that is ok.
  8. Californians voted on quite a few ________(s) which claimed to try to fix various issues in our state.
  9. A diet that _______(s) a lot of fruits and vegetables is the healthiest way to eat.
  10. The roots of this word literally mean to “carry across.”


Debrief Test #16. Hmmm. Lotsa Husker Du!


Friday, 12/14: Paperwork, Mental Floss, Test #16

Short test due to short periods due to the Winter Music Assembly during 6th period.

7TH Grade   8TH Grade
HB 8:15 AM 8:22 AM 7 HB 8:15 AM 8:22 AM 7
1 8:22 AM 9:08 AM 46 1 8:22 AM 9:08 AM 46
BREAK 9:08 AM 9:18 AM 10 2 9:13 AM 9:59 AM 46
2 9:23 AM 10:09 AM 46 BREAK 9:59 AM 10:09 AM 10
3 10:14 AM 11:00 AM 46 3 10:14 AM 11:00 AM 46
LUNCH 11:00 AM 11:35 AM 35 4 11:05 AM 11:51 AM 46
4 11:40 PM 12:26 PM 46 LUNCH 11:51 AM 12:26 PM 35
5 12:31PM 1:17 PM 46 5 12:31PM 1:17 PM 46
6-Assembly 1:22 PM 2:08 PM 46 6-Class 1:22 PM 2:08 PM 46
6-Class 2:13 PM 2:59 PM 46 6-Assembly 2:13 PM 2:59 PM 46


Prep sheet for Test #16. (Reload the test for the latest version.)
KBARR: ___/40 Vocab H/w: ___/20 Vocab Practices: ___/15 ___/13 ___/12
SAWs Bonus:___ Clauses Bonus:___
Other Extra Credit: Per6 +3 for vocab relay, all others, +2.


Mental Floss.

  1. How far can you walk into the woods?
  2. What do you get when you add 1 and 11 four times?
  3. Which three numbers give the same result when they are multiplied as when they are added? (Alert: math)
  4. The more you take away the bigger it gets; the more you add, the smaller it becomes. What is it?
  5. Wacky Wordies:







Test #16. Doodle Theme. Design a groovy, new piece of clothing!

Thursday, 12/13: Vocab + Relay, S/CD/CX, Vladek, 120?

Tomorrow’s Test: Vocab, S/CD/CX, Vladek.

“Vocab, 12/13.”
succumb, subsist, presumptuous, avant-garde, reproach, cathartic, frugal, cobble, futile, dissemble, ambivalent

  1. _____  (It’s a paper clip. The subheading says, “The only tool you’ll ever need.”)
  2. _____
  3. _____
  4. _____
  5. She blamed him for the incident and always looked at him with _______ afterwards.
  6. Vladek _____(es) Artie for using too many wooden matches…
  7. …because he is too “_____” to buy them.
  8. During the TV marathon, we _____(ed) for two days on chips and pizza.
  9. Sometimes it’s tough to not ______ to peer pressure.
  10. In The Outsiders, when we referred to a facade, we were saying that the person was _____(ing) about their true feelings.
  11. The prefix of this word means before. ______
  12. The root of this word means “to clean out.” _____




I = Independent Clause  D = Dependent Clause.
(S) Simple Sentence (S) = One I. Could have phrase(s) attached.
(CD) Compound Sentence (CD)  = I + I, joined by a comma and one of the FANBOYS. (for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so)
(CX) Complex Sentence (CX) = I + D or D + I

“S/CD/CX, 12/13.”

  1. He ate his doctor-recommended doughnut for breakfast this morning.
  2. It seemed essential to eat broccoli, but I watched tv instead.
  3. The cheese is on the table with little toothpicks in it.
  4. After I ate a doughnut, I felt blissful.
  5. Because Zoltan forgot his wallet, he couldn’t buy broccoli.
  6. As part of his occupation, he had a llama with a leather jacket.
  7. He tried to hug the llama although he was told not to.
  8. The llama went to the store, and I went with him.
  9. He didn’t want to embarrass the cat. Add a DEPENDENT clause to make a COMPLEX (CX) sentence.
  10. Bonus 1: List the FANBOYS. (+1 for 6, +2 for all 7.)
  11. Bonus 2: What part of speech are the FANBOYS?


120 Seconds…?
