Thursday, 2/13: Spelling, Scramble, Vocab, Giver

Tomorrow’s Test: See Today’s Title! Preview after Period 4.

“Spelling, 2/13.”

  1. vein, achieve, weird, all correct
  2. beleive, brief, friend, all correct
  3. foriegn, protein, receive, all correct
  4. seize, pateince, pierce, all correct
  5. thief, cealing, reign, all correct
  6. seize: Exception or Not?
  7. reign: Exception or Not?
  8. achieve: Exception or Not?

“Scramble, 2/13.”

–to the end  –which  –had a switch  –the man  –that said OFF  –this speaker  –deftly snapped

“Vocab, 2/13.”
anachronism, archaic, imperious, vapid, brood, poignant, deft, relish

  1. _____
  2. _____
  3. _____
  4. _____
  5. _____
  6. The climax of The Outsiders is bittersweet and ______ as the greasers win the rumble but lose two of their own.
  7. Percy Jackson’s father, Poseidon, is known as one of the more ______ of the Greek gods.
  8. Ponyboy spent a lot of time by himself, ____(ing) about the future and his relationship with Darry.
  9. The press secretary ____(ly) handled the tough question from the reporter.
  10. Jonas imagined Benjamin reading his new Assignment instructions with ____, excited about his future.
  11. The root of this word meant “to command.”
  12. The roots of this word meant “to nurse feelings in the mind.”
  13. The Middle English roots of this word meant “release odor or taste.”

“Giver 13 Quiz.” ANSWER NOT LETTER!

  1. What does Jonas conclude is the reason for the Sameness?  a) To prevent wars.  b) To prevent wrong choices.  c) It’s easier  d) There’s no confusion e ) NOTA
  2. For Jonas, what is the most frustrating rule of his training? a) The lack of free time  b) Time away from his friends  c) The fact that he can’t share it  d) The fact that he can’t have everything at once  e) NOTA
  3. What disturbed Jonas the most about the memory of the elephant?  a) The guns.  b) The blood.  c) The brutality of the men.  d) The fact that there were two colors of men.  e) The pain of the other elephant.
  4. When the previous successor to The Giver failed, what happened? a) The people had no one to make decisions.  b)  The Receiver was punished.  c) Her memories were released into the Community, and the people felt pain.  d) The books were banned when people found out. e) They had to release her.  f) NOTA
  5. What does the Giver say that shocks Jonas?  a) “I don’t even know why they need a Receiver…”  b) “Frightening isn’t it?”  c) “They know nothing.”  d) “And you will (suffer). It’s my life. And it will be yours.”  e)  “Sameness sucks.”   f) NOTA
  6. When the Giver says, “And next it will be you. A great honor,” he is being ironic.   a) True  b) False
  7. The Giver says that knowing facts without having the memories is…  a) stupid  b) conflict-free  c) easier  d) meaningless  e) intelligent  f) NOTA
  8. The Giver is told in… a) 1st person  b) 2nd person  c) 3rd person omniscient  d) 3rd person limited  e) 3rd person objective

Wednesday, 2/12: Spelling, Debrief Test #20, Scramble, Vocab, Dah Givah

“Spelling, 2/12.” Fix the wrongly-spelled one or write “all correct.”

  1. vein, achieve, wierd, all correct
  2. believe, brief, friend, all correct
  3. foreign, protien, receive, all correct
  4. seize, patience, peirce, all correct
  5. thief, ceiling, reign, all correct
  6. Bonus: Write an -ei word NOT ON OUR LIST that is an exception to our rule this week.


“Scramble, 2/12.” This one needs a couple of commas. A bit tricky.

–encouraged  –that he was  –Jonas remembered  –that he had   –to ask questions   –even been –allowed

Debrief Test #20. To those who studied: We salute you!

“Vocab, 2/12.”
anachronism, archaic, imperious, vapid, brood, poignant, deft, relish

  1. _____
  2. _____
  3. _____
  4. _____
  5. After the accident which killed his brother, he spent weeks _____(ing) about it and wondering if it was his fault.
  6. The world of The Giver seems very ____ and meaningless to us even if it might be safer.
  7. She ____(ly) got the ball to her teammate with a no-look pass.
  8. The ending of the movie was so _____ that everyone left the theater in tears.
  9. Jonas ____(ed) his free time with his friends and was worried about losing that during his training.
  10. The root of this word meant “to poke.”
  11. The root of this word meant “the beginning.”
  12. The root of this word meant “time.”
  13. The root of this word meant “lacking in flavor.”

Giver 11-12 Quiz.”

  1. Why was it so exhausting for The Receiver/Giver to give Jonas the memory of snow?
  2. When Jonas asks what happened to things like snow, the Receiver calls it… “_____”
  3. Why does Fiona keep pausing in their conversation on the way to training?
  4. Jonas thinks would be impossible to talk about his training with his friends. Why?
  5. The Giver thinks they made a mistake when they got rid of color.  a) True  b) False
  6. In Chapter 12 we are in the ____ of the story. (Plot Mountain)
  7. Which quote foreshadows a conflict  coming between Jonas and the community?  (ANSWER!)  a) “I apologize for making you wait.”    b) “She expected him to describe his first day of training.”   c) “You’re beginning to see the color red.”  d) “We shouldn’t have!”   e) “Everyone in the community has one-generation memories.”


Giver 13 aloud.


Tuesday, 2/11: Homework, Spelling, Giver

Copy Homework into Planner:

  • KBARR = The Giver. There will be a reading check quiz every day, preceded by a Q/A session. Come prepared with questions about ANYTHING you don’t understand.
    Response = DAILY = 1 paragraph: summary and reaction combined. Reading assignments might change depending on how far we get in class, so pay attention!

    • Tuesday night: to the end of chapter 12
    • Wednesday night: to the end of chapter 13
    • Thursday night: to the end of chapter 15
  • Vocab due Wednesday. DEFs ONLY. Original SMYK‘s for Bonus on Friday.
  • Know your Spelling Words.

“Spelling, 2/11.”

  1. (2) If you ____ it, you can ____ it. (Inspirational Phrase.)
  2. (2) The _____king’s ______was full of bizarre surprises.
  3. (4) List the 4 words on your list that are exceptions to the I/E rule.
  4. Why is vein NOT an exception?
  5. theif, ceiling, reign, all correct

“Sentence AND Paragraph Scramble, 2/11.” Unscramble the sentences and the paragraph into what they should be.

  1.  –rules  –beyond the rules   –that governed  –could there be   –the community
  2. –stared  –Jonas  –the books  –at
  3.  –more descriptions –and communities  –of offices   –could there be   –and factories
  4. –of pages  –contained  –he couldn’t imagine   –the thousands  –what

The Giver, Chapter 12 aloud.


Friday, 2/7: Paperwork, Mental Floss, Test #20

TuTu Schedule.

Have a FUN 3-day weekend!

Prep Sheet for Test #20:
Giver KBARR: ___/24     Defs on Time? Y / N     SMYK: ___/10   Giver Quizzes: ___/6  ___/10  ___/5
Other Extra Credit: Period 3 gets +2 for Relay, Periods 2,5,6 get +1.

Mental Floss.

  1. These word pairs are not in relation to each other, but if you find their synonyms, the two words will rhyme. Example : Plump Feline = Fat Cat.
    a) nondescript crustacean  b) old story  c) timid gnat  d) kiss dog
  2. In what month do Americans eat the least amount of food?
  3. Wacky Wordy:   Queso >
  4. Fill in the blanks below with a word that means the same as the word on the left when read normally, and fits the definition on the right when read backwards.
    • a) Friends ______ hit sharply.  
    • b) Rinds of fruit _______ What we do with over one third of our lives.  
    • c) Wicked _______ Exist
  5. Starting with an empty barrel, put in order. (Not a trick.)
    *2/3 full *1/4 empty *1/2 full *3/4 empty

Test #20.

Doodle Theme: An ad for your new movie!


Thursday, 2/6: Commas, Vocab + Relay, Giver

IBM 7090 computer. Operators working with an IBM 7090 computer at the Lawrence Radiation Laboratory at Livermore, California, USA. The first of four IBM 7090s was delivered here in April 1960. This computer was the first 7000 series machine to use transistors. A data processing system control panel is at centre, with magnetic tape drives in the background. The first 7090 installation was in December 1959. In 1960, a typical system sold for $2.9 million (equivalent to $23 million in 2023) or could be rented for $63,500 a month (equivalent to $501,000 in 2023).

Tomorrow’s Test: Commas, Vocab, Giver (10-11). Preview after Period 4.

“Commas, 2/6.” A. to separate independent clauses. (+ FANBOYS)  B. after an intro word, phrase or clause.  C. between all items in a series.  D. to set off non-essential information  E. to show direct address.  F. Between adjectives that modify the same noun
Some might have 2 reasons….

  1. His ingredients included spinach goat cheese and milk.
  2. Let’s eat Grampa!
  3. The llama ran across the road so he wouldn’t have to help.
  4. The llama a descendent of a long lost tribe ran for President.
  5. The llama missed the green green grass of home and he thought wistfully of it.
  6. 😉 Hey everyone is going to the party OK

“Vocab, 2/6.”
augment, wretched, meager, suppress, exuberant, impede, fleeting, wry, lethargic, chastise, escalate

  1. _____
  2. _____
  3. _____
  4. _____
  5. Some teachers keep their classrooms very cold because they think it keeps the students from being too ____.
  6. The amount of food coupons given to the Jews only allowed them very ____ portions, not enough to get by legally.
  7. The mayfly’s life is very _____. A mayfly only lives to reproduce and is alive for just 24 hours.
  8. The Lemony Snicket books are known for their ____ humor about seemingly terrible events.
  9. On the last day of school, the kids ran _____(ly) through the halls.
  10. His pants were so tight they _____(ed) his movement. (Not suppress.)
  11. The root of this word meant “tilted, twisted.”
  12. The roots of this word meant “overflowing, fertile, abundant.”
  13. The roots of this word meant “to push down.”


Vocab Relay.

Giver 9 Quiz. (5)

  1. About which instruction on Jonas’s sheet do we get no thoughts from Jonas?
  2. (2) Which two were the least disturbing to him?
  3. Why does the final rule unnerve Jonas so much?
  4. What do Mom and Dad say happened to the previous selection for the new Receiver?

Giver aloud 10—>