Wednesday, 2/5: Commas, Debrief Test #19, Vocab, Giver

“Commas, 2/5.” FIRST show where the commas go. SECOND, write the rule you used to place the comma(s). (Letter ok.)
The last TWO have 2 reasons. There is ONE that is OK as is.
A. to separate independent clauses. (+ FANBOYS)  B. after an intro word, phrase or clause.  C. between all items in a series.  D. to set off non-essential information  E. to show direct address.  F. Between adjectives that modify the same noun

  1. Most of the time travelers worry about their luggage getting lost.
  2. I wanted to improve my grade so I studied and studied.
  3. This easy fun exercise will help you with all your llama woes.
  4. Some llamas refuse to go to the zoo because of pity for creatures that must live in small cages.
  5. As the llama goddess she regulated the course of the heavenly bodies created alpacas and controlled the alternating seasons.
  6. There was no question that the llama’s painting a huge colorful and ugly mural was the worst entry in the art exhibit.

Debrief Test #19. Hrrrmmm.

“Vocab, 2/5.”
augment, wretched, meager, suppress, exuberant, impede, fleeting, wry, lethargic, chastise, escalate
One word not used.

  1. _____
  2. _____
  3. _____
  4. _____
  5. The root of this word meant “banished person.”
  6. The root of this word meant “morally pure.”
  7. The roots of this word  meant “to shackle the feet of.”
  8. The root of this word meant “forgetful.” (Hint: One of the rivers of Hell.)
  9. The root of this word meant “lean, skinny.”
  10. The root of this word meant “float away.”
  11. After the police mishandled the fight, it ____(ed) into a riot.
  12. He tried to ___ his income by selling magazines door to door.
  13. Although you might think they do, recent studies have concluded that cough _____(ants) don’t really help stop your cough.

“Giver 7-8 Quiz.” Yes, ANSWER not letter.

  1. Why did the Chief Elder make a joke about chastising Asher’s old teacher of Threes? 
  2. What does the Chief Elder say about the future Twelves’ differences in her speech? a) Nothing; it’s considered rude to mention differences. b) The differences have determined their futures. c) The differences have stood out more than in previous groups.  d) The differences still need to become sameness.  e) NOTA
  3. Why does the Chief Elder apologize to the community?  
  4. Why does the Committee of Elders continue to observe Twelves during their training?   a) To make sure they develop every necessary attribute.   b) It’s in the rules. c) To make sure they don’t break the rules.   d) To make sure they’re never alone in the community.  e) All of the above  f) NOTA
  5. True or False? The most honored job in the community is the Receiver of Memory.
  6. Which of the following qualities does the Chief Elder say Jonas does not yet possess but will eventually?  a) Intelligence.   b) Integrity.  c) Courage.   d) Wisdom.   e) She says he has them all already. f) NOTA
  7. Which attribute is the Chief Elder unable to describe because she does not understand it?  a) Intelligence.   b) Integrity.  c) Courage.   d) Wisdom.  e) NOTA
  8. Why is the Chief Elder unable to prepare Jonas for the pain he will experience?  a) It is against the rules.   b) The Receiver of Memory asked her not to.   c) She has not experienced it.  d) She doesn’t want to scare him.    e) All of the above.  f) NOTA
  9. What makes Jonas feel a “tiny sliver of sureness for the first time”? a) He is not afraid.    b) He has already experienced pain.  c) The crowd changed like the apple.    d) The Chief Elder has confidence in him.    e) All of the above.
  10. When Jonas gets skipped.  a) exposition  b) inciting incident  c) rising action  d) climax  e) falling action   f) resolution

Giver 9 aloud—>


Tuesday, 2/4: Scramble. Commas, Vocab, Giver

“Sentence Scramble, 2/4.”

–beside the Chief Elder  –as his friend  –and stood self-consciously  –he paid strict attention  –went to the stage

–who had been summoned  –Fritz was  –again and again  –a very awkward child  –for chastisement

“Commas, 2/4.”  FIRST show where the commas go.  SECOND, write the LETTER of the rule you used to place the comma(s). 
A. to separate independent clauses. (+ FANBOYS)    B. after an intro word, phrase or clause.  C. between all items in a series.    D. to set off non-essential information  E. to show direct address.    F. Between adjectives that modify the same noun

  1. I asked my BFF the llama with a necktie for a dollar.
  2. She wanted to tame the wild llama but it was too much for her.
  3. With a happy flourish the llama ate the doughnut.
  4. There was a very ancient ancestor to the llama which had giant razor-sharp claws.
  5. She said she likes cooking her family and her dogs.
  6. OMG Jimmy I can’t believe you did that!

“Vocab, 2/4.”
196697 bear quiet-please1365720181932 06ba653 e5d429cd07871556c547f3fc44eb0284  10Oct10-reporting-from-gaza-770x400
augment, wretched, meager, suppress, exuberant, impede, fleeting, wry, lethargic, chastise, escalate

  1. Pic of a giant, fallen tree blocking the road.
  2. Pic of a bear seriously napping.
  3. Cartoon of Uncle Sam’s hand over someone’s mouth and the word QUIET!
  4. Pic of a joyful grandma leaping into a lake!
  5. Pic of a celebrity smirking.
  6. Pic of clock dissolving into confetti.
  7. Pic of two forlorn women resting on a mattress in a garbage dump.
  8. Pokemon Go is an example of a game that uses _____(ed) reality, adding extra features to the real world through technology.
  9. After the second offense the punishment _____(ed) from scolding to use of the discipline wand.
  10. Jonas was _____(ed) by the Speaker for “hoarding” an apple.
  11. This word was actually created as a name for a new invention in the 1920s. _____
  12. (2) Vladek tried to ____ the ____ amount of food they were allowed by working on the black market.

Giver 6 Quiz.” Answer not Letter.

  1. What item awarded at the Ceremony distinguishes the Sevens from the younger kids?
  2. The bike, at Nine, was the first sign of independence in the Community.  a) True b) False
  3. Gabriel has been scheduled for release because he has been labeled Uncertain. a) True  b) False
  4. If a young child dies, he is replaced by one with the same name. a) True  b) False
  5. When the elders match spouses, which of these factors is not taken into account?  a) intelligence  b) disposition  c) aptitude/skills  d) physical characteristics  e) All are taken into account.
  6. One of the differences between a utopia and a cult is that a cult respects the natural world.  a) True  b) False


The Giver Chapter 7—>  aloud.


Monday, 2/3: Homework, Commas, Utopia, Giver

Advisory Schedule. Link to Slides.

Copy Homework into Planner:

  • KBARR = The Giver. There will be a reading check quiz every day, preceded by a Q/A session. Come prepared with questions about ANYTHING you don’t understand.  Response = DAILY = 1 paragraph: summary and reaction combined. Reading assignments might change depending on how far we get in class, so pay attention!
    • Monday night: to the end of chapter 6
    • Tuesday night: to the end of chapter 8
    • Wednesday night: to the end of chapter 9
    • Thursday night: to the end of chapter 11
  • Vocab due Tuesday and Thursday per usual.

“Commas, 2/3.” Show where the commas go (word,). There is one that needs no commas. Write OK for that one.

  1. If you don’t already know today we’re going to learn to cut and paste kids!
  2. Lloyd the llama author of a best-selling book and renowned rocket scientist was awarded the prestigious Nobel Prize for Poetry.
  3. Please no smoking food or beverages in the classroom!
  4. The llama jerky was soft but satisfying.
  5. Because the llama missed the bus he was late for his very important appointment.
  6. Sid waited for the llama to arrive so he could get a ride in his hot new Camaro.

Really???  a) Prep Phrase  b) Independent Clause  c) Dependent Clause  d) Neither

  1. If you searched in a more organized way, you might actually find it. _____
  2. To pass the test most of you will probably have to study. _____
  3. We can wait here until the llama calls us. _____

What is a Utopia?  Is it possible?

A place, state, or condition that is ideally perfect in respect of politics, laws, customs, and
conditions. This does not mean that the people are perfect, but the system is perfect.

List the characteristics you think a utopia would have.



  • Information, independent thought, and freedom are promoted.
  •  A figurehead or concept brings the citizens of the society together, but not treated as singular.
  •  Citizens are truly free to think independently.
  •  Citizens have no fear of the outside world.
  •  Citizens live in a harmonious state.
  •  The natural world is embraced and revered.
  •  Citizens embrace social and moral ideals. Individuality and innovation are welcomed.
  •  The society evolves with change to make a perfect utopian world.

What is a cult? Why might people join?

Cults are typically characterized by their extreme devotion to a leader or an idea, often using manipulation and psychological tactics to control and exploit their followers.

What do you think a cult looks like?




Characteristics of a Cult

  • Charismatic leader: A powerful individual known for persuasive speeches, manipulation, and exploitation of followers.
  •  Indoctrination: Systematic removal of critical thinking skills through programming or brainwashing techniques.
  • Isolation: Separating members from family, friends, and society in order to increase control over them.
  • Exploitation: Financially or emotionally using members for personal gain or the betterment of the cult.
  • Apocalyptic beliefs: A belief in an imminent end-of-world event that only the group will survive.

Da Givah…. Chapter 6.