Tuesday, 8/25: Vocab Practice, “Motto,” Dig It?

I will be checking vocabulary definitions while you work.
“Warm Up, 8/25/15.”  Answers 1-8 will be vocabulary words. Use your pink sheet to help you. For #1-4, choose which word best fits the picture and complete the sentence with a reason you think so.  Copy #5-6. Write the word only for #7 and #8. (#9 and #10 are just to see if you were listening yesterday.)

  1. _____ because…
  2. _____ because…
  3. _____ because…
  4. _____ because…
  5. pain : pleasure :: confusion : ______
  6. rules : requirements :: happiness : ____
  7. I was able to _____ the meaning of the word from the way it was used.
  8. Even though I was nervous, I tried to act cool and ______.

  9. What is 10% of 40?
  10. An analogy is a _______.


About This Class
I will include several questions from this sheet on Friday’s test.

We will talk KBAR on Monday.  Next Monday

(in your notebook)

Motto by Langston Hughes     

     I play it cool
     and dig all jive. 
     That’s the reason 
     I stay alive. 
     My motto, 
     As I live and learn, 
     Dig and Be Dug 
     In Return. 

1) What is a motto?
2) What do you think he means when he says “play it cool” and  “dig all jive”?
3) What does he mean by “Dig and Be Dug In Return”?
4) What other saying(s) have you heard or use would mean something similar?

Audio Feature: The concept of “digging.”

Short Explanation Paper Assignment. Due next Tuesday, 9/1. (Add to your assignment book/planner.)

Monday, 8/24/15: Welcome to 7th Grade English

Welcome to Seventh Grade English!
(Short classes today due to the Tour Schedule.)
Seating Charts/Schedules/Name Pronunciation, etc.

Web Page: middleschool.mrcoward.com or school.mrcoward.com or lams.slcusd.org–>Mr. Coward
Know it. Use it. Love it.

I. Copy homework into assignment book (AKA: planner).
This is the first thing we do every week. The homework for the entire week goes up Monday (or the first day of the week).

II. Vocabulary Sheet. Rate your knowledge of this week’s words.

III. Analogies.
x : y :: a : b.  Translation: is related to y in the same way that a is related to b.
Example –> ice : melt : garbage : rot.

In Notebook: “Warm Up, 8/24/15.” Copy 1-3. Show your work on #4.

  1. tobacco : cigarette : : meat : _____
  2. boxer : athlete :: chair : ______
  3. needle : sew :: shovel : ______
  4. On a 40 point test, how many points would I need to receive an A (90%)?
  5. Which is correct: “18 plus 19 is 36,” or “18 plus 19 are 36″?

Time? AMA!