Monday, 4/24 (32): Copy Homework, SAWs, Debrief Test 30, Tom Sawyer

Welcome back! Only 32 more school days left!

Copy homework into planner.

“SAWs, 4/24.” implement, motivate, undertake, incentive, enable

6. Real _____(ion) comes from inside you. You have to really have the desire.
7. It was a massive ____(ing) for such a small company, and…
8. …when they tried to ______ the plan, they weren’t really prepared for all the problems.
9. Since he already had a guaranteed A in the class, there was really much _____ for him to do anything.
10. A good vocabulary will ____ you to learn more quickly and understand more.
11. This word also means a tool.



Debrief Test #30 (So long ago!)


Tom Sawyer!

  1. What would you do for fun in 1835?
  2. What chore/work did you always want to do as a kid, but now that you have to do it, you don’t want to any more?
  3. Slang: truck, lick, dander up, powerful warm, lam, suck eggs


Read the Author’s Preface.

Chapter 1.